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Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai

Division 3a

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by FireStorm (Pul Kai)

This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.



1 - 2

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3 - 3

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European fubar vs Norway Pul Kai
1 - 4

SteamID Screenshots: A


fubar (6) fadestep, Ventrue, ., Nivzeh, snikka, Reemy
Pul Kai (5) gK, NaPo^^, Azured, FireStorm, Skyride
Unrostered (2) Punssia, demsii


  1. Reemy: faceplant . - faceplant said:

    hey lets play wednesday @21cet
    i will give u info plz check it before the day of the match

    connect ; password fubar

    gl & hf

  2. Demourge: EPA said:

    if that’s the server we played on last time, the first one, no thx .. the 2nd one we played on last time was fine though ..

  3. Reemy: faceplant . - faceplant said:

    this is the 2nd one dont worry. we know the problem about the other server =)

  4. Nivzeh: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - 2strong said:

    is the players you suddenly added to the team is evn leagal? -.-
    thats just gay adding 2 pepole who are with no doubt above the level just for our match :|
    unless they joined px2 which i highly doubt

  5. Norris said:

    it’s pxIIs first game this season. the team got added a bit late iirc and wasn’t sorted entirely. don’t let you fool yourself due the joining times. DarK and gK are in for a few weeks.

    hf to both and best of luck to px2 :>

  6. Nivzeh: ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ - 2strong said:

    i didnt care about dark but gk and manov are not in your team,they got another clan
    and imo its abit unfair for us,that we work really hard having a slight chance vs the players
    you got in the team

  7. Cake: -gS- said:

    Afaik, as unfair as it may seem, as long as they’re in the roster atm they can’t change teams again, according to the rules. (Rule 1.7.3)

  8. .: cc// said:

    Why do you wait the last day to join the team? :)

  9. Demourge: EPA said:

    px. !Demourge! – wireless -: lo
    fubar. N (☆ω☆): I
    px. !Demourge! – wireless -: you guys mind if px2 use a merc scout? seems Manov isn’t turning up tonight
    fubar. N (☆ω☆): k,div3 or lower :)
    px. !Demourge! – wireless -: nice :)
    fubar. N (☆ω☆): :D

    and to F-eagle: cuz Cake and FireStorm didn’t have the appropiate rights to add players and my cable internet being cut off, I had to add them @ the last moment through wireless/mobile ..

  10. .: cc// said:

    Well played guys, both inside and outside the game.

  11. FADe said:

    hat said skyride does the best taget THERES BIN AHH MERDAHHHH impressions. thanks for reading

  12. Skyride: DUCS said:

    gg guys, Well played

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