Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai
Division 5i
Week 3
This match does not count as one of the teams dropped from this competition.

[XX] - [XX]

[XX] - [XX]
Special Air Service Rainbow
[XX] - [XX]
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sup, fancy playing this on wednesday the 14th at 2100cet?
maybe its possible if u can do it earlier pls.. around 20:30 would be fine
How about tonight? If that’s not such short notice. 2030cet sounds good.
How about tonight? If that’s not such short notice. 2030cet sounds good. (now with box ticked!)
hum.. its better to do it in next week or the week after on which days u can play?
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 2100cet. How about Sunday the 18th?
Any further advances guys? when would you like to play?
Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
The default date is: Sunday, 25 October 2009, 21:00 CET
Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.
.. sunday 20 cet would be fine.. 21 is impossible for us
well i propose 19:30 cet simply fact we have a game at 21CET for this weeks match. so need to start promt.
[SAS] Fyre: Hi, intrested in playing the ETF2l Match tonight at 21CET?
Pause.aVator @ dea-Gaming: our few members wont be today
Pause.aVator @ dea-Gaming: so i think we gonna play it on tuesday?
Pause.aVator @ dea-Gaming: what about that?
[SAS] Fyre: tuesday at 21CET seems ok to me :)
Pause.aVator @ dea-Gaming: kk, ill try to shedule it on
[SAS] Fyre: ok
Pause.aVator @ dea-Gaming: maybe we could play at 20cet?
[SAS] Fyre: im afraid we cant 2 members will still be at work at that time they only just make it for 21:00 CET
Pause.aVator @ dea-Gaming: mkay
oops ignore the above wrong post
match still onplan for tonight for this one
sry but we have to take a wildcard for that match.. to much inactivity on our side
If your taking a wildcard (even though it is less than 24 hours before the start of the match) when would you like to propose that you can play?
i dunno, when our players are active enough
In all seriousness, its past the default date, so either you play it soon or we’ll take a default. Can’t be arsed waiting around, already a week late guys.