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Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai

Division 5e

Week 4

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ETF2L Staff



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Norway Quack Attack vs European eXhale Powered by Warzone.nu
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SteamID Screenshots: A


eXhale Powered by Warzone.nu (5) Figge!, gnus, dojjan, BUSKiS, Mordi
Quack Attack (6) Qaddus, Brass_Monkey, Husgark, Batabusa, TAM, Arnetz


  1. Arnetz said:

    Hello Team boner, can you play Sunday 25 Oct 21:00 CEST

  2. Mordi: ≧◡≦ said:

    Det blir nok 7 normenn og 5 svenske på søndag :DD

  3. Brass_Monkey: besje - tfortress.no said:

    Betyr det at dere kan spille da?

  4. Ahl: Bring! said:

    Jag kan inte, är bortrest. Prata med Figge! eller old_grandma.

  5. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    We can play on sunday 25/10 but we need to start 20.00 because we have people working the night shift.

    Either add me on steam old_Grandma or feel free to join our irc channel #teamexhale @ quakenet.

  6. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    I’m idling your irc channel atm, damn you guys are hard to get a hold, It’s like trying to stalk a norweigan celebrity.

    I’m wondering if It’s okay for you to play the match on our server tonight? Let me know and I’ll provide details and s-tv if you agree on it.


  7. Arnetz said:

    Hi, could you upload the stv demo and your medic’s demo?

  8. Old_Grandma: OGizzle said:

    I’ve sent my demo (medic) to Qaddus, hopefully he passed on the dl link to you too, please let me know if you’ve received it.

    I’d also like the demo recording of your medic.

    As for the S-tv recording I’ll get back to you as soon as I have further details hopefully later today.

  9. Brass_Monkey: besje - tfortress.no said:


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