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Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai

Division 3a

Week 8

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by doc :) (plan-B)



6 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]



10 - 9

[Screenshots: A ]

Austria plan-B vs Poland STER-Gaming
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


plan-B (5) rook, doc :), meep., fex, Puschen
STER-Gaming (5) liquidee, Ortho, Black^, Ber, Alcik
Unrostered (2) Bilze, Master


  1. Puschen said:

    hey, can u play on thursday 19th 21 cet?

  2. Black^ said:

    Hey, we can do this Thursday (26th) at 20.00 cet. If it’s too early we’ll be probably able to play at 21 cet, but 20.00 is much better for us.

  3. Puschen said:

    sry, now we already have another etf2l match at this date

  4. Black^ said:

    Maybe Sunday 29th 20.00 cet then?

  5. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 29 November 2009, 20:00 CET
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  6. Puschen said:

    sounds good.. but what about 21 cet?

  7. Puschen said:

    I’m not sure if we can play on sunday :/ could u also play on monday?

  8. Black^ said:

    Sorry, we can’t postpone it to Monday. Try to get your people and let’s do this on the date set.

  9. Puschen said:

    Hmm.. I think we can’t play on sunday, because we are not enough.. what about another date?

  10. Puschen said:

    come on guys :/ U can chose another date.. I don’t know how to use a wildcard, otherwise I would use one :)

  11. rook: plan-B said:

    connect; password 123456

    cu on

  12. Black^ said:

    We accepted your date, Thursday

  13. Puschen said:

    thank you!

  14. n00ne said:

    go ster!

  15. Black^ said:

    Ip/pw: connect;password leczo
    1 more thing, one of our soldiers had an unexpected call and he had to go :( can we use a div3 merc? http://etf2l.org/forum/user/3341/ this one

  16. rook: plan-B said:

    we allow the merc…
    maybe we’ll use one, too
    gl & hf

  17. H0rm0N: ster. - <3 Wengiel said:

    we allow the merc too

  18. rook: plan-B said:


  19. Puschen said:


  20. Black^ said:

    gg, soooo close on turbine :(

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