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Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai

Division 1

Week 4

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by skinnie (TCM Gaming)



7 - 8

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]

European TCM Gaming vs European Relic
0 - 6

SourceTV: fakkelbrigade.eu:27100

SteamID Screenshots: A


TCM Gaming (4) Springer, zerox, skinnie, Haunter
Relic (6) agron, ryb, bybzii, Rebeli, Darn, appe
Unrostered (4) byte, boomehh, pyyyour, nvc


  1. Daggial: fap said:

    amazing maps

  2. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 01 November 2009, 21:00 CET
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  3. METROPLEX said:


  4. METROPLEX said:


  5. skinnie: TCM said:


  6. Exfane: EPA - TWIN said:

    contact me or arie for stv plox

  7. el_neco said:

    plz stv, plz plz plz plz plz plz plz

  8. Skaz: KP said:

    so fakkle brigade, will there be a STV, oh and is there a FB L4D2 clan?

  9. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:

    Skinnie knows where to find me for the STV :)

  10. Clark: Arti Rush said:


  11. Exfane: EPA - TWIN said:

    l4d2 is alive

  12. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:

    STV: fakkelbrigade.eu:27100

  13. Easy- said:

    thanks for the stv

  14. Skaz: KP said:

    great game for yoyotech 7-8 for digy in turbine. was 4-0 yoyo and on 15 min diggy got to 7-7 and last 3 mins 8-7 for diggy (the level 3 sentry saved diggy from a overtime or draw :D)

  15. Skaz: KP said:

    nice first round on gravel pit

  16. Skaz: KP said:

    i guess its a final lost for yoyotech, 2:30 in attack for diggy.

  17. Skaz: KP said:

    diggy won gg. 8-7 1st map 2-0 second

  18. emsii said:

    0_o’ ^

  19. skinnie: TCM said:

    thx for the write-up

  20. Arnold: DAKKA said:

    i am dissapoint

  21. norppa: rda said:

    stv from both maps – http://www.resupply.eu/index.php?site=files&file=25

  22. byte said:

    Well played to 5 members of the Dignitas Team, thoroughly enjoyed Turbine even though we lost it, felt good to play at such an intense level and i’m sure the 900+ viewers had a spectacle :)

    Gpit 1st round was very close and somehow we could not help but think we got very unlucky with our spawn, we had a very long spawn time of 17 seconds when we died on B where as looking at src tv they had 13 which made all the diff for the scouts to get in early on C.

    As for 2nd round that was FOR JOKES!!!!! etc…

    Good game ! As always enjoy playing vs dig they make me want to actually continue with TF2.



  23. Akhiv: cvx| said:

    was fun lol

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