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Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai

Division 1

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Arie (FakkelBrigade)



2 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]

Netherlands FakkelBrigade vs European Relic
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


  1. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Sunday, 18 October 2009, 21:00 CET
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  2. KloolK: who is? - CGAY&BB said:

    stv pls :)

  3. el_neco said:

    stv plz plz plz

  4. SPU9 said:

    gl to both!

    matchpreview click me!

  5. Fragga: FRAGGA`s - RIP said:

    there’s bound to be an FB STV Relay, just search spec tab at the time of the match

  6. el_neco said:

    if they can write STV in calendar why they dont do it?

    teams from div 5-6 have STV in calendar, they have fans, div 1 no?

  7. EternaLi: U.sumo - U/² said:


  8. EternaLi: U.sumo - U/² said:

    or maybe

  9. Moose: [MIPC] - #10 said:

    if they can write STV in calendar why they dont do it?

    teams from div 5-6 have STV in calendar, they have fans, div 1 no?

    Teams from div6 can easily give the direct ip to their stv since there won’t be more than maybe 20 ppl watching such games. In div1 games there are probably over 200 specs and the servers can’t handle that without using a relay. And it’s not easy to always get one.

  10. LoopeR: FB said:


  11. cook: FB said:

    gg bros very enjoyable.

  12. el_neco said:

    Teams from div6 can easily give the direct ip to their stv since there won’t be more than maybe 20 ppl watching such games. In div1 games there are probably over 200 specs and the servers can’t handle that without using a relay. And it’s not easy to always get one.

    As can I saw, on STV was 23 spects… It’s premiership matches – STV should be required.

    IMO ofc

  13. cook: FB said:

    There was a stv… we have like 20 relays, Arie was even checking them during the match and there were 230 specs on.

  14. el_neco said:

    Oh, my bad with numper of specs – i was on STV.

  15. Moose: [MIPC] - #10 said:

    It’s premiership matches – STV should be required.

    Only possible if ETF2L provides the relays. Which they don’t atm.

  16. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:

    What Moose says. Even a ctf_turbine match with shitnerds like us will get 250 specs, simply because of Agron’s fanclub.
    Here’s the CPU graph of our server during the match. The red line is the source TV relay stealing a CPU core, the blue line is the warserver.
    Most teams don’t have the luxury of running a quad core server, so they can’t run a big STV.

    STV demo’s:
    STV: Turbine
    STV: Freight

  17. Animal said:

    nice e-penis arie

  18. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:

    Stroke it Animal!

  19. Fragga: FRAGGA`s - RIP said:

    that graph looks suspiciously like a cock

  20. Agron: Relic said:


  21. supamazii said:

    fisshu made turbine fun :)

  22. Exfane: EPA - TWIN said:

    you need some glasses fragga, or a mental coach!
    ps. fu arie

  23. Arie: (serveme.tf) - FB - [FB] said:

    l2p Exfane

  24. el_neco said:

    yhym, I understood.

  25. fJack: k^m said:

    Best match report.

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