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Season 6 powered by SteelSeries Xai

Division 1

Week 1

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by vallone (Team Dignitas)



11 - 12

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0 - 5

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European TCM Gaming vs Finland Team Dignitas
0 - 6

SourceTV: stv: relay.toaster.fi:27020

SteamID Screenshots: A


Team Dignitas (6) vallone, hocz, hymzi, Sturmis, King Pave, olliii
TCM Gaming (5) Springer, zerox, skinnie, Matt, Haunter
Unrostered (1) byte


  1. Xzar said:

    pupu! <3

  2. Cookimaster: rhs said:

    stv pls

  3. pRime said:

    stv pls

  4. searcH said:

    stvvvvvvv pls!

  5. KloolK: who is? - CGAY&BB said:

    stv pls

  6. Mr. Bean: LSD// - Lohysi said:

    yes yes MEGAGAME

  7. skinnie: TCM said:


  8. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    SOURCE TV!!!

  9. KloolK: who is? - CGAY&BB said:

    give us stv plssss :)

  10. skinnie: TCM said:

    I will post the sourcetv relays later

  11. emsii said:

    stv please

  12. Moregnan: dc. said:

    STV :<

  13. Clark: Arti Rush said:

    ssooourcee tvvvvv!!!!!

  14. vallone said:

    stv coming asap

  15. vallone said:

    stv: relay.toaster.fi:27020

  16. Iggy said:

    stv demo?

  17. Abunai said:

    was a fun game to watch, gg

  18. vallone said:

    m0rehud 0wns! m0re.nocrits.com

  19. vallone said:


  20. emsii said:


  21. techtron said:

    wtf gg

  22. che: fa» - [SpA] said:

    maybe ask a (friendly) clan for a nl or de server
    no need to play on servers from Portu or Helsinki imo

  23. LaMqTa: fenneks said:

    yoyotech fail!!! gl afterlife

  24. bunfi said:

    check out the ping diff in gran…

  25. Iggy said:

    does anybody have stv demo from turbine?

  26. Miikovec said:

    Will there be demo pls ??? Thanks

  27. Morty: RG said:

    O_O ….

  28. Admirable: (Toucan Ambassador) said:

    Cool pings!
    Server disagreement? :D

  29. Fragga: FRAGGA`s - RIP said:

    hocz was the daddy

  30. FADe said:

    yeah hocz played insane, grats al

  31. reCon said:


  32. darkman: starlight said:

    stv demo plz!1

  33. Slick: Epsilon said:

    very well done Al…

  34. nightmare: L00 said:

    a stv demo would be awesome :]

  35. byte said:

    Due to Kids crying we had to play 1 each on our chosen server, in theory YYT were happy meeting the requirement of playing on a “middle” servers i.e. a .de or a .nl server however Afterlife disapproved and did not want this and had no valid excuse.

    In the future if this ever happens again the league WILL force both clans to play on a .de server to avoid players having to play with such a high ping.

    I myself had 75ms ping on our server chosen (mainly because it was hosted in portugal and YYT wanted to make it difficult for the finns of Al. have a poor ping)

    Then i had 125ms on their server, now for those who play demoman you will know its quite difficult to adapt and play from 40ms avg to 75 and 125ms…

    None the less Al deserved to win, however their kid such like behaviour (proven through logs with ETF2L admins) will not be accepted i don’t think from any other match in any div, if there is no legitimate reason as to why both clans can not play on a .de server i.e. the ETF2L then the clan with the dispute will have to default or “like it or lump it” and play on the ETF2L server.

    And for the side record YYT offered al. to use

    coolclan’s server
    dig’s server
    Vale server
    ETF2L server

    All rejected and Al. didn’t want to play on these servers :-)

    All in all piece of advice to any other div 1 clan about to play em, if they do the same #etf2l and speak to an admin and we will arrange the ETF2L server and they have no choice then.



  36. skinnie: TCM said:

    gg afterlife a deserved win

    deneusbeer and d2m failed to apply the etf2l rules gg to them too

  37. Agron: Relic said:

    Are you speaking as an admin there Byte? Would sound a lot more unbiased and less butthurt if it some other admin would have said your piece there. :)

    ps. we’ve never had any probs with Afterlife, they be cool kids.
    pss. it was a good game, wp both.

  38. Agron: Relic said:


    WTF IS PSS!?!?!?
    PPS!!!! DAMNIT YO.

  39. Flush: P.O.P said:

    spectating hocz was sexy

  40. fer0: Enrique Iglesia said:

    pls, stv demo??

  41. Miikovec said:

    pls we want svt demo thanks :)

  42. skinnie: TCM said:

    stv demo from our serv is being uploaded

  43. D2M: vertex » - derptex9 said:

    skinnie – I didn’t fail to apply anything. I asked a head admin who had more experience than I possessed and he told me that if both teams fail to agree, then they play one map on each other’s “home” server:

    -18:10:23- (DeNeusbeer) it’s pretty clear the teams can’t agree on a server
    -18:10:31- (DeNeusbeer) for whatever reasons
    -18:10:52- (DeNeusbeer) so they play 1 match on afterlife’s server, and the other on yoyotech’s server
    -18:11:16- (DeNeusbeer) it’ll be very likely they both have crap ping and choke and whatnot on 1 map
    -18:11:25- (DeNeusbeer) but that’s what they want apparently
    -18:11:42- (DeNeusbeer) we can’t help them otherwise, we’ve given plenty of alternatives

    For the record, I understand that you guys tried many options to change the server to something neutral, rather than playing on two ridiculous servers like you had to. I resent the fact that you tell me I failed to apply rules or help you, as I had to spend an hour listening to vallone being a smug finnish twat and denying any reasonable option that would have allowed this game to be played fairly for both teams. I found his attitude to be really poor, and certainly not befitting a team that should consider themselves in the top 5-6 teams in Europe. Similarly, blaming me when I didn’t do anything wrong and tried to help your team doesn’t actually reflect positively on you either.

    I am no longer an admin as I called out m0re for interfering and sticking up for his Finnish friends. We were both asked to leave for arguing in the admin channel about this game last night. I stuck up for the fact that one team actually wanted to get this played on a server that was fair for both teams, unfortunately the other team didn’t. I really hope those rules get clarified and changed in the future.

  44. Haunter said:

    The way the teams played no matter wich server we played AL would win, but the ridiculous situation of arguing for 2h about the server its not good for the league image and for AL image.

    plus deneusbeer was to lazy to do his admin job and let the decision for the players, reading the first rule:

    1.2.1 Recommend neutral server

    one of the points in the rule: “If you can’t agree on a neutral server each map can be played on teams’ home server (if they fit to all other server rules).”

    1.2.5 Server needs to provide your opponent a playable ping -> doesnt fit
    1.2.8 Be sensible regarding servers -> doesnt fit

    solution, as far as i know and i was admin in this league, when this happens admins have the right to force a server in a match

    flames appart, just have to congrat AL for the great game they played, and D2M for listening to me for that much time :)

  45. skinnie: TCM said:

    I really feel for u d2m because afterlife (vallone) really acted like idiots and couldn’t come up with reasonable arguments. I think it’s a bit sad tho that this league can’t even force a team to be sensible and play on a neutral server. That is what I actually meant so nothing personal to u.

    Finnish players stick together and if m0re was sticking up for them and we had to play on a Finnish server because of him I’m glad he’s gone.

  46. cf said:


  47. perry: [MIPC] said:

    Fuck my life I’ve had to play at shitty multiplay uk servers so many times, our own server is multiplay uk and I constantly ping +90 there, you don’t see me whining =) Clearly the ping difference wasn’t the reason why yyt lost, so why whine about it

  48. skinnie: TCM said:

    STFU tumpel

    we didn’t even ask them to play on our multiplay UK server

    we suggested fakkelbrigade/coolclan (clanhost.nl) / etf2l serv/ dignitas serv ..

    and why whine about it ? Do u think it’s fun having to talk to some idiot 2h before the match to come up with a server when all he wants is to wind us up and play on his finnish server ?

  49. Xzar said:

    oh the pain it burns it buuuurns, looooool

  50. EatShitAndDie said:

    STV Demo plz

  51. EatShitAndDie said:

    Forgive I blind

  52. vallone said:

    17:39:37 Haunter u there?
    17:39:44 vallone yes
    17:39:55 Haunter tried to talk with sturmis but he is idle
    17:40:01 Haunter need to arrange server for tonight
    17:40:18 Haunter your server seems bad to me and byte :f
    17:40:23 vallone LOL
    17:41:12 Haunter cant u play in other uk server if its not multiplay?
    17:41:18 vallone :D
    17:41:38 vallone uk for finns? plz ? are u srsly?
    17:43:27 vallone and 4 u guys under 20 ping
    17:43:32 vallone and u 75~
    17:43:38 Haunter mine is 90-100
    17:43:52 Haunter if u go for score boards every finnish guy will have 50
    17:44:21 Haunter and im querying u to arrange server, and not lose 30min during the game doing it
    17:44:56 vallone i see our server is fine for both
    17:45:08 Haunter i dont
    17:45:14 Haunter is fakkel good for u?
    17:45:16 vallone nope
    17:48:49 vallone but we can also play our map in our server i think its will be in fin then
    17:49:10 Haunter not an option
    17:49:30 Haunter u cant play in uk, i gave u a dutch option
    17:49:41 vallone we have dutch server already
    17:49:43 vallone :D
    17:49:53 Haunter wich is a bad dutch server
    17:49:59 vallone no its not
    17:50:01 Haunter otherwise i wouldnt bother to arrange the server
    17:50:07 Haunter how can u say its not?
    17:50:48 vallone maybe i just know FEW servers at this big scene.. :D
    17:51:01 Haunter guess you dont know your own
    17:51:20 Haunter anyway, im going to query an admin instead
    18:00:37 vallone hi, still there honey?
    18:00:45 Haunter ye
    18:01:12 vallone i talked with m0re and he tell me:
    18:01:37 vallone 1 map on our server and 1 map on ur or league server @ germany
    18:03:10 Haunter with your server beeing finnish?
    18:03:29 vallone will see
    18:03:52 Haunter i would like to arrange it now
    18:05:50 vallone yes fi
    18:06:07 vallone if our dutch server is not ok for u
    18:06:15 Haunter we’re not playing in fi
    18:07:11 Haunter well
    18:07:22 Haunter if it comes to play in fi server
    18:07:25 Haunter our will be portuguese
    18:09:44 Haunter
    18:09:47 Haunter u can ping if u want
    18:10:50 vallone ticrate and fps on server?
    18:11:02 vallone tickrate
    18:11:36 Haunter 66 500
    18:12:06 vallone u can try toaster.fi
    18:14:17 Haunter timeout
    18:14:40 vallone put it on ur game :)
    18:15:41 Haunter lol 103
    18:15:46 Haunter have 97 on your server
    18:15:51 Haunter the dutch one
    18:16:23 vallone ye, toasterfi is really good server actually
    20:57:20 vallone so turbine first i see
    20:57:30 vallone ( connect; password war )
    20:57:39 vallone so stv is connect ?
    21:17:38 Haunter tv_password 123

    (over&out) ?????

  53. vallone said:

    our dutch server: http://koti.welho.com/tvepsala/tf2/pings.jpg

  54. vallone said:

    and hocz have 60-70 (scoreboard) ping too..

  55. vallone said:

    17:42:16 Haunter forgot u cant play with more than 40ms
    17:42:21 Haunter is fakkel server good for u?
    17:43:09 vallone byte got 40ping (scoreboard) for our server

    sry i forget

  56. vallone said:

    but diggy will beat us and yoyotech will beat diggy…… so plz who cares?

  57. perry: [MIPC] said:

    Afaik skinnie, the dignitas server is a multiplay uk one. Am I right agron?:]

  58. Haunter said:

    vallone since u take the piss of me with:

    17:40:18 Haunter your server seems bad to me and byte :f
    17:40:23 vallone LOL
    17:41:12 Haunter cant u play in other uk server if its not multiplay?
    17:41:18 vallone :D

    i replyed

    17:42:16 Haunter forgot u cant play with more than 40ms
    17:42:21 Haunter is fakkel server good for u?
    17:43:09 vallone byte got 40ping (scoreboard) for our server

  59. zerox: TCM said:

    this was my actual ping to the al server that eve…

  60. Shintaz: TEZC - MONSTERFRAGGEN said:

    wp afterlife

  61. kaidus: 7 - WiK? said:

    FUN?! What fun!

  62. Haunter said:

    and btw vallone if u are trying to prove we didnt sugest anything that skinnie mentioned, i stoped chatting with u for obvious reasons, and started talking with admin that transmited to u all the sugestions “fakkelbrigade/coolclan (clanhost.nl) / etf2l serv/ dignitas serv ”

    wich i also have logs with the admin, including some of your chats with him while u said your ping for example (45 for coolclan’s server funny how its exactly the same as your server) i cba to paste the logs here but if u feel the need give me a shout

    and the rest of your finnish fan base (aka tumpel) doesnt need to reply here, nobody is whining about the scores

  63. Xzar said:

    funny how you guys are pretty much the only people in europe that have problems with our server :(

  64. skinnie: TCM said:

    same for u on our server ;((

  65. tarmo-: <3 Fruit said:


  66. Haunter said:

    xzar funny how AL are pretty much the only ppl in europe that have problems with 5 servers we sugested :(

  67. tarmo-: <3 Fruit said:

    awww, butthurt yoyo crying :<

  68. Moose: [MIPC] - #10 said:

    UK servers are not what I what would call a fair choice when you play against a Finnish team. Then again I find it funny that YYT refused to play on al’s server and then suggested to play on FB’s server which is from the same server host, i3D.net. And then afterlife refused to play on the FB server. I guess the name of the server was the deciding factor here :)

  69. skinnie: TCM said:

    yes moose we suggested 5 servers so it’s pretty obvious one of those wouldn’t be good for afterlife thanks for pointing that out to us :)

  70. jason: PHX said:

    I’ve always wondered where Mr X gets the ideas for his blogs.

    Admins need (IMO) to take a more pro-active role in these kinds of disputes as the mind games that start at this level of TF2 are detrimental to the game.

  71. Xzar said:

    it’s all part of the game!

  72. Agron: Relic said:

    drama is the spice of tf2 and http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/02/382182185_7fe0d6af041.jpg

    random observation: I find it funny that when cruciamentum had this same drama with Team Byte (wotr) last year, I noticed that 6 brits find nothing wrong in playing on a .uk server against 6 finns, but if someone suggests that 1, or god forbid BOTH, map(s) should be played on a .fi, the brits go LOLWTF!?!?!?

    Anyone else find this strange? :)

  73. Jh: Hey dats! said:

    al are coolcats

  74. Jh: Hey dats! said:

    random observation: I find it funny that when cruciamentum had this same drama with Team Byte (wotr) last year, I noticed that 6 brits find nothing wrong in playing on a .uk server against 6 finns, but if someone suggests that 1, or god forbid BOTH, map(s) should be played on a .fi, the brits go LOLWTF!?!?!?

    well to be fair, ive never seen any finn have a scoreboard ping of 100+ on a uk server. the most i get is 80~~ and i live in the fucking northern wilderness. but yeah, i agree that it’s shitty as fuck that british/euro teams refuse to play on fi servers. hypocritical fucks.

  75. bpf: rockit said:

    Then again I find it funny that YYT refused to play on al’s server and then suggested to play on FB’s server which is from the same server host, i3D.net. And then afterlife refused to play on the FB server. I guess the name of the server was the deciding factor here :)

    hehe reminds me of our match vs tcm 2 seasons ago when byte didnt want to play on our clanhost.nl server while he only wanted to play on theirs or 4k`s server which was a clanhost.nl as well ;)

  76. Agron: Relic said:

    deny that homefield advantage yo

  77. Arnold: DAKKA said:

    I don’t see why you just didn’t play on a neutral server located somwhere in germany or holland.
    Wouldn’t that most likely avoid massive discussions like this?

  78. Animal said:

    apparently al didnt want to and admins forced them to play on bad servers…

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