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Season 5

Division 6b

Week 2

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Bucket (Nicey-tf2)



0 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]



0 - 5

[Screenshots: A B ]

Ukraine .drunk cowboys vs European Nicey-tf2
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


  1. Mo45 said:

    Hi guys, how about a play between 1559 and 1859?

  2. Mo45 said:

    amm, i mean between 15 and 18 of may

  3. Bucket: cc//(o.o)>~~ - cc// said:

    ye that should be ok, ill give you the date when i can

  4. Bucket: cc//(o.o)>~~ - cc// said:

    the 18th should be ok :) you have added me to steam so message me when you can

  5. Mo45 said:

    how about 17th at 20.00 or 20.30 CET?

  6. Bucket: cc//(o.o)>~~ - cc// said:

    would it be ok if it was at 8 gtm? i think thats 21:00 Cet?

  7. Mo45 said:

    17th at 21:00 cet it’s ok!

  8. Bucket: cc//(o.o)>~~ - cc// said:

    connect ; password etf2l

    if its our server :D

  9. Mo45 said:

    ok see u on server, gl!

  10. Mo45 said:

    amm guys, pass was incorect.

    ] connect; password etf2l
    Connecting to…
    Bad password.

    so real pass?

  11. gryzor said:

    That steam-id screenshot is impossible to see due to being resized.

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