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Season 5

Division 4d

Week 5

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by Buddha (cause we can)



1 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



4 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]

Germany cause we can vs Russia Impressive
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Impressive (6) Light, Wayat, pala4, swat, OneLespire, hels1k
cause we can (6) Trevelyan006, Tenshi, Braindead, Shadow9212, peng, Buddha



  1. swat said:

    I love u m8. fair play ftw!

  2. swat said:

    Playing agains 5 it so interesting.

  3. inTense: amg said:

    nope, comments doesn’t says all.

    to say all, first thing is as you won’t allow us a merc we are to play fucking goldrush with demoralized medic (she forced to play instead of training for exam), and highping demo who forced to play engi/pyro (or something else where ping doesn’t matter) but not demo, and our scout played as demo.
    and second thing is on badlands we are forced to play with only 5 players and again scout playing demo.

    in this circumstances I personally can say two things. It’s not fairplay as I understand it, and it’s absolutely not gg.

    score 6 points by any dirty method is not honor.

    now comments says all.

    it’s not whine or something, just match report from the other side :-)
    if you feel happy gaining scores in such a way – it’s your business.

  4. dAyKiLLeR: (Legend) - farm! - it's a farm said:

    It’s understandable you were angry, but nobody has to allow a merc. You may have took a Wildcard for this match if you knew about possible player problems before.

    Anyway, the flame before, in between and after the match was close to a Major Warning and a deduction of 1 point. Please have that in mind next time you start to affront someone.
    Match comments like these you posted here are tolerated (as long as you don’t insult).

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