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Season 5

Division 4b

Week 5

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by b0nes (clanda)



4 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



1 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]

UnitedKingdom clanda vs European Failed Clan Name
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A


Failed Clan Name (6) NocturnO, Voiz, Franc, Contra, doctorg, Kanroook
clanda (6) FADe, Goose, b0nes, Traxantic, plasma, Wux


  1. b0nes: [DA] - [DA] said:

    Mon 8th – Wed 10th – Thur 11th – 21cet
    Please pick one asap

  2. Kanroook: swimp said:

    Thursday will probably work the best but let me get back to you on that :)

  3. Kanroook: swimp said:

    Set for Thursday, catch me on steam/irc if you have problems

  4. Franc: FcN| said:

    I think we are the only team that uses the first map for a warm up….incredible…I blame Wuff,gg:)

  5. Wuff said:

    I hate you Franc

  6. Contra: Be said:

    true that we failed first map… (blame not warm up and not our solid line-up)

  7. Kanroook: swimp said:

    Was gg and thanks for changing dates :)

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