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Season 5

Division 4b

Week 3

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by ShadowG (International Special Force)



2 - 2

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0 - 1

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European fubar vs European International Special Force
1 - 4

SteamID Screenshots: A


fubar (4) Ventrue, ., dg, Reemy
International Special Force (4) Impuls, Sebb, bot_985, miz.stony
Unregistered (1) fubar. Rokstanski


  1. ShadowG: IsF - LoEG said:

    Match will be played at Thursday 28th at 21 CET.

  2. dg said:

    2 sentries defending the last point in badlands? lame game.

  3. .: cc// said:

    Don’t bother to improve yourself , you are wonderful.

  4. miz.sebb: IsF said:

    well played was quite hard even on badlands and dust on the last point :>

    Have fun even on the next games ;)

  5. .: cc// said:

    All I want is to play once more with your team.
    Gl , next match.

  6. beNschI said:

    Good GAMe ;)

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