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Season 5

Division 4a

Week 9

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by meep. (plan-B)



0 - 5

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0 - 5

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Spain Freedom Fighters vs Austria plan-B
0 - 6

SteamID Screenshots: A


plan-B (6) rook, lifi, doc :), meep., Puschen, Spawnhawk
Freedom Fighters (6) DiabloAR, Argu, TRanky, Sikopata, SuGuS, Marcado


  1. meep. said:

    hey guys!

    when would it be possible for you to play?


  2. BlingtiN said:

    i think Thursday 25th at 22:00 CET is a good day.

    Please replay here

  3. meep. said:

    what about thuseday 21.00 cet 23.june


    sunday 21.00 cet ? 28.june

  4. meep. said:

    hey can i tell u on thursday 25th at 18.00 CET if we have time ?

    one or to of or players are maybe here, they dont know yet.

    is this okay for you ?


  5. BlingtiN said:

    nah we cant play this day, i think sunday 21:00 CET is a good day, is ok?

  6. meep. said:

    yeah sunday 21.00CET will be fine. check ping there

    cu then m8t

  7. BlingtiN said:

    sorry guys, we cant play today, i change the match 5 july at 21 CET please confirm it if you can play please

  8. meep. said:

    oO little bit late to cancle the game mate,
    some of our players plan their sundays diffrent when there is an etf2l match – it was also your descison to play the game today

  9. Spawnhawk: pB. said:

    2.8 Same Map picked twice for a match? Change it to a Secondary Map Pool Map or to a 3rd Party Map once!

    If both teams managed to pick the same map against each other, they can change it to a Secondary Map Pool Map or to a 3rd-Party-Map [see below] once if both teams agree. Map can be decided by Map Elimination Mode [Explanation] (team on the left @ Fixtures Page is supposed to start) or just by agreeing on one map.

    Secondary Map Pool: cp_dustbowl, cp_labor [Link], ctf_2fort, ctf_mach4 [Link], pl_goldrush

    3rd Party Map Pool: cp_redstone_b2, cp_science2, cp_stag, cp_warpath2, cp_steel, ctf_smooth_b2 [Link], pl_badwater, ctf_well

    think about it, take a secound ;)

  10. Sikopata: [D3C] said:

    I’m triyng to contact you in irc but noone answers. We don’t know what to do, all 2nd and 3rd map pools suck xD, but maybe we will pick cp_labor ;).

    In other order of things, I would know if it’s possible to delay the match 1 hour, to 22.00 cet. If it’s possible would be nice, but if not there are no problem.

    And a last cuestion, your ip and pw? Our server is spain based so… xD

  11. meep. said: pw: 123456

    game will be played at 21.00 CET becouse some of our guys have to go to work on monday an get up very early.

    cya at 21.00

  12. meep. said:


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