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Season 5

Division 4a

Week 8

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by meep. (plan-B)



1 - 6

[Screenshots: A ]



5 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

Italy Impact vs Austria plan-B
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A


plan-B (6) rook, lifi, doc :), K|ck, meep., Spawnhawk
Impact (6) vert, Alle, lolleye, bos7on, Zoser, DoN_CORL3onE


  1. meep. said:

    hey guys!

    when would it be possible for you to play?


  2. DoN_CORL3onE: Impact - #PDW said:

    Hey m8 what about wednesday 01/07 around 21???

  3. Spawnhawk: pB. said:

    better tuesday or thursday, wednesday is bad day to play for us

  4. meep. said:

    mate you found a date for our clanwar?
    at steam you told me you are going to post some date recommondations …

  5. Default Date said:

    Because this match has not been scheduled by either of the teams, a default date has been set for this match.
    The default date is: Thursday, 02 July 2009, 21:00 CET
    Please play this match on the appointed time and submit the results.

  6. meep. said:

    check ping there

    cu on 2 july 2009

  7. meep. said:

    can we reschedule this game?
    one or two of our players have no time at this date.


  8. meep. said:

    ah we can play but we need to play with a ringer. is this okay for you ?

  9. DoN_CORL3onE: Impact - #PDW said:

    hey guys,
    we never allow to use mercs, it’s not fair for the league.
    Can’t u find one of your 10 registered players?

  10. meep. said:

    our merc is our Not Verified player , but he should be verified untill tomorrow :)

    cya then

  11. rook: plan-B said:

    gg guys

  12. meep. said:


  13. DoN_CORL3onE: Impact - #PDW said:

    gg nice match!!

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