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Season 5

Division 4a

Week 4

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by meep. (plan-B)



1 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]



4 - 2

[Screenshots: A ]

European The Hampshire Heavies 2nd Team vs Austria plan-B
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A B


plan-B (5) rook, doc :), meep., Puschen, Spawnhawk
The Hampshire Heavies 2nd Team (7) K3D, Fluffy Meowington, AL, Akasazh, J-man, Ares, Dr.Gash
Unrostered (1) archy


  1. meep. said:

    hey ho.

    we can play on

    thusday 2.june 21.00 CET
    thursday 4.june 21.00 CET
    sunday 7.june 21.00 CET

    is one of this dates possible for you ?

  2. Akasazh: THG - HL said:

    2nd june 21.00 cet it is.

    Gl and cya then.

  3. Akasazh: THG - HL said:

    btw I think our servers good, plx contact me or fluff in #the-hh for contact info. in case of ping problems i’m sure we can work something out.

  4. meep. said:

    gimme ip pls.

    and you and your team pls check ping on this two servers.

  5. meep. said:

    hey guys, we may need a ringer tonight.

    if we need one it will be vR archy_7AT , hes in the same div as we are.

    is this okay for you ?


  6. meep. said:

    (14:26:56) (Akasazh) ringer is ok
    (14:26:57) (plan-B|meep`) • (Query) 129 • (Channel offen) 8 • (Aktives Fenster) #tf2pickup.de
    (14:27:04) (plan-B|meep`) hey :)
    (14:27:05) (plan-B|meep`) thx mate

  7. rook: plan-B said:

    gg & wp guys, thrilling match :)

  8. Fluffy Meowington: TC.Potat said:


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