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Season 4

Division 4c

Week 6

Date Not Scheduled
Results submitted:
by Sillium (Unterwasserpyromanen)



9 - 1

[Screenshots: A B ]



4 - 5

[Screenshots: A B ]

Austria plan-B vs Germany Unterwasserpyromanen
3 - 3

SteamID Screenshots: A B C


plan-B (6) KreaK, rook, lifi, doc :), GenerationQ, Skar
Unterwasserpyromanen (6) Sillium, Hawky, Late_ant, ouch, frooker, hannibal


  1. lifi: pB. said:


    can you guys play on 15th or 22nd February (Sunday) at 21cet?

  2. frooker said:

    Hey guys, I’m sorry but we have to restructure our team quite a bit right now, but we’ll contact you in the next few days!

  3. frooker said:

    Sorry again for the delay, could you play on next Wednesday? (18th) You could choose if 20 or 21 cet.

  4. lifi: pB. said:

    Hey again,

    could we change the time from 19:30cet to 21cet?

  5. ouch said:

    Yes we can. ;)

  6. frooker said:

    gg guys, thanks again for allowing our not yet verified player in the match!

  7. Zurike: cQr - cQr-HL said:


  8. frooker said:

    Yes, yes, the guy who took the screenshots for us wasn’t available the last few days. :/ Score was Turbine 4:5, Badlands 8/9:1. Screens will be added asap.

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