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Season 4

Division 4e

Week 5

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by NOT-HIM (Insanity!)



8 - 0

[Screenshots: A ]



6 - 3

[Screenshots: A ]

Israel Insanity! vs European Gathering of Tweakers Team 2
6 - 0


SteamID Screenshots: A


Unregistered (12) GoT¸ ¸| Become, GoT¸ ¸| Waster, Insanity ¸ ¸Nitlock, Insanity ¸ ¸mitownz, GoT¸ ¸| Psy.EMT, Insanity ¸ ¸N0T-HIM, Insanity ¸ ¸arikz, Insanity ¸ ¸:Dekken, GoT¸ ¸| RaCio, GoT¸ ¸| Spl@t, GLC.Intel | inspire, GoT¸ ¸| Brainstorm


  1. NOT-HIM: GC said:

    Hey guys, I wanne set the date & hour for our match.
    We can between the 10/2 , 11/2 , 12/2 at around 19:30-21:00 CET

    please contact me here or at:
    IRC quakenet #INS!

    or by mail : Patriarch.mico@gmail.com

  2. NOT-HIM: GC said:

    ummm, perhapes its better to delay it in 1 week… so please contact me next week to set up the match

  3. NOT-HIM: GC said:

    Please contact me with days you can play at, thanks :)

  4. RaCio: GoT² said:

    My excuses for the late reply.

    Is it possible for you to play next tuesday @21:00?

  5. NOT-HIM: GC said:

    17/2/2009 at 20:30 CET?

  6. RaCio: GoT² said:

    Seems fine :)
    We have a server available:; password gotetf2l

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