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Season 4

Division 4e

Week 4

Date Scheduled:
Results submitted:
by wer (Pul Kai)



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Israel Insanity! vs Norway Pul Kai
4 - 1

SteamID Screenshots: A


Insanity! (5) Nitlock, NOT-HIM, Arikz, Dekken, inspire
Pul Kai (6) Sliceroth, VJU, Bjarnfinn, wer, Xmile, LAC
Unregistered (1) Insanity ¸ ¸mitownz


  1. NOT-HIM: GC said:

    Hey guys, I wanne set the match’s date and hour, please contact me back here, or at IRC quakenet #ins! .

    also by mail if needed : [email protected]

    We can on : 10,2 11/2 , 12/2 – time : 19:30-21:00 CET

  2. Erlend: pulkai - tfortress.no said:

    12.02 21:00 is fine

  3. NOT-HIM: GC said:

    Ok I set it for the 12/2/2009 – 21:00 CET
    good luck!

    If you have a server please write the details down here
    we need to check pings.. thank you!
    and cu again on wireplay :P

  4. Erlend: pulkai - tfortress.no said:, password mbri

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