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Season 4

Division 4e

Week 1

Date Not Scheduled
Results submitted:
by NOT-HIM (Insanity!)



2 - 0

[Screenshots: A B ]



2 - 1

[Screenshots: A ]

Israel Insanity! vs Italy eQuiD Multigaming
6 - 0

SteamID Screenshots: A


Insanity! (6) Nitlock, kuta, NOT-HIM, Arikz, Dekken, Bjuo
eQuiD Multigaming (6) Adrenaline, aLcO_oL, mèx, Kenny, ambra, Rotty


  1. NOT-HIM: GC said:

    I’m trying to contact you for a while eQuiD..
    please contact me back so we can set the date of the match.
    #ins! at quakenet

  2. Ka0s said:

    yeah I’m sorry but we don’t really use irc a lot to arrange official matches; I’ll put myself in your irc channel looking for “not-him”.

  3. Nitlock: Insanity said:

    what’s ur server password?

  4. Nitlock: Insanity said:

    good game.
    gl in the future

  5. Ka0s said:

    you should proceed submitting the result because we have a screenshot missing

  6. Kuta: ELE said:

    good game!

  7. NOT-HIM: GC said:

    Yeah, i sent the screenshots…
    actually i missed one too, but i took it out of the demo

    GG! and gl

  8. Reveral said:

    I love INS, GL in the rest of the games guys!

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