ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


LFM !WILL $$PAY$$! 6s

Created 16th September 2022 @ 23:10

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->looking for a mid+ player
->we will cater to your schedule
->needed max 2 times a week – min. 1 hour max. 2 hours
->point out mistakes and provide solutions, solutions explained in depth if needed, not just saying oh its gud xD
->overtime (more than 4 hours a week) will be paid if u put effort in
-> we dont mind if youre a grandpa (inactive for 3 seasons)

we are an open team, not fresh enough to give you a headache. as of now, we got mistakes pointed out, we just lack guidance. we can discuss your pay in dms.

Last edited by crazykiller monty,

closed thank you for the offers

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