Demo reviews and mentoring
Created 13th March 2018 @ 23:52
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Ayo boys, anyone or any team interested in learning something’s invited to hit me up, since I am currently just reviewing demos daily to waste time while unable to play yet.
Of course any player who feels hes capable can gladly teach me something more.
Last edited by Aaron,
Just finished a demo review session with Aaron. Very useful, would recommend hitting him up if you want to improve your team’s gameplay!
Still goin and helpin B)
Now that the season’s over I definitely haven’t stopped but only got more time on my hands, so anyone is invited to send me a demo or ask questions still.
Still totally going B)
it’s only 6’s?
Mostly yes, I dont mind doing a bit of help on Highlander, but Im much less of an authority on that either case.
Bumpity bump, this is still on going for anyone interested!
Believe it or not, this is still going B)
so smart sometimes i think is he making shit up
Last edited by jeven99,
mans actually quite woke, had a really fun time reviewing couple demos and talking about the early 20th century. No reason not to add him tbh made me learn new things after 10 seasons of tf2
Whole shabang is still going on B)
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