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Where can I play some 6's mixes or lobbies?

Created 13th October 2017 @ 20:26

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I’m permabanned from TF2Center for reasons that I’d rather not go into to prevent resolved 2015 drama from being reignited, which severely limits my options in what I can play. The EU mixchamp is dead, and there’s no guarantee I’ll be drafted on EU pugchamp since I’m around open/mid level. With the exception of competitive lobbies through the TF2 client, in which there’s no guarantee I’ll get a proper game, I have no options left, and the team I found myself in never scrims, giving me very little options in terms of practice outside of DM, MGE, and the like, which makes shaking off the rust all the more annoying.

My question is, are there any open or mid mix groups out there? Or is there another alternative to TF2C that I can use; Pickup appears to be dead for the time being.

Last edited by RTC,


(League Admin)

I’ve heard UnitedKingdom DrHappiness organizes sick newbie mixes in ETF2L’s Discord every Saturday, 20 CEST.



Have you ever heard of this new invention called an alt account ?


(League Admin)

Quoted from Lupus

Have you ever heard of this new invention called an alt account ?

Don’t they IP ban as well?


u can play lobbies with multiple accounts no?




Quoted from MoBa

u can play lobbies with multiple accounts no?

You can play with multiple accounts but bans transfer across all accounts as they get done at IP level.
He managed to get a permanent ban, although not that hard to do on tf2c he’s somewhere on the top of Masternoob’s shit list so even with alt accounts he wouldnt get very far I recon. And this thread doesnt really help in trying to sneak in ;)


Besides, I have zero intention to reignite drama by avoiding bans. It would be nice to resolve things with Masternoob, but I don’t foresee that happening right now.

Thankfully, I found out about the ETF2L Discord server, and have been using that to organise scrims and the like. I left comp TF2 just before Discord became really popular, and when Mumble was the main communication option for TF2.

You can queue on Faceit, it’s popular enough you can find games.



The troublemaker’s discord has quite a lot of mixes.


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