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Offclassing - What class and when to do it

Created 23rd April 2017 @ 22:20

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I am fairly new to competitive, so I joined the Fresh Meat Challenge. I know the meta of 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demoman, and 1 medic, but sometimes you should offclass. When should you offclass and what class should you offclass with?


Quoted from GDEabarod

I am fairly new to competitive, so I joined the Fresh Meat Challenge. I know the meta of 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demoman, and 1 medic, but sometimes you should offclass. When should you offclass and what class should you offclass with?

It’s a bit different on different maps, of course. Sniper/spy is often good in stalemates – When neither team is pushing. You use your spy/sniper to get a pick on the enemy (sometimes the medic) to get an edge to push with. Engineer and heavy is good when you’re defending the last point on a map. They are not very versatile and should therefore mainly be used when defending last. Pyro is used when you’re defending last with uber disadvantage (ie. when the other team has ubercharge and you don’t) to airblast the enemy back and delaying their push once they’ve used their charge.

But if you have an offclass for too long and he doesn’t accomplish anything (for instance, a sniper who doesn’t kill anyone/hit any shots, or a heavy when you’re team is trying to push [he’s too slow to keep up]) you should ask the player to change back to his normal class.

Last edited by Collaide,



any time
any map




Quoted from GDEabarod

When should you offclass

Ok, while it’s technically possible to offclass at any time, it’s the most useful when your team is either at a disadvantage or in a stalemate.

In a disadvantage, one player who offclasses and goes huge can make the difference and save you a round.
In a stalemate, one player who offclasses and goes huge can break the stalemate and give your team the upper hand.

Quoted from GDEabarod

what class should you offclass with?

Every class can be used.

Pyro : used mostly to air blast an ubercharge while holding last, on small last points ( think badlands top right on last or gullywash shutter door). Can be used as a surprise tactic outside of last. The class does not deal a lot of damage but makes a lot of space for your teammates.

Heavy : used to hold last to absorb fire and deny jumping soldiers; used offensively to break a stalemate : trade ubers and then push back in with the 450 hp heavy.

Engineer : same role as the heavy when holding last, but needs more time for his gun to be set up. Almost never used offensively.

Sniper : usable everywhere at any time. You’ve got to hit shots to not let your team play 5v6, and sniper tends to slow down the game a lot.

Spy : used in long stalemates when a lot of time is available( when ubers are equal or both teams just used), to frag the enemy medic.

Last edited by Twiggy,



any time
any map



(ETF2L Donator)
Arti Rush

Dont offclass, 6s 1337ists would hate you,(like they do with everything).

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Well according to the european b4nny if you offclass it makes you a massive troll so don’t offlcass


any time
any map



Quoted from Permzilla

anyone else notice a trend in this thread



Hanzo is a good offclass

Last edited by wonder,

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