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need mentoring on open scout.

Created 13th March 2017 @ 09:42

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hey im a scout and i get really inconsistent games, looking for a mentor to help me improve on my gamsense. it doesnt matter how much dm or mge i play its just randomly bad or good. add me


Quoted from MERPY

hey im a scout and i get really inconsistent games, looking for a mentor to help me improve on my gamsense. it doesnt matter how much dm or mge i play its just randomly bad or good. add me

worst part is youre thinking that mge and dm will improve ur gamesense



demoreview your self



im playng dm and mge to improve my aim not gamsense.


Get overbuffs constantly.

Don’t take fights unless you know the person your fighting is weak.

Focus what your team focuses.

Cap all the points so your team can advance.

dw about mge/dm, scrims improve your game sense and aim simultaneously, so it’s a more efficient way to get better at the game.


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