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The Why, What and When of Competitive Team Fortress 2.

Created 7th September 2015 @ 02:07

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Good day, hello, evening, morning or whatever time it may be.

I don’t know if anyone is gonna have time or willingness to help me out here, but I shall see I s’ppose.
Getting to the point, I currently want to write down any piece of information on competitive Tf2 out there and structure it into one big blob of information for myself and, if there is any interest, the current scene.
I know some of the general information such as the tips from Fish etc on this forum.
But there is a vast amount of blogs and information already, which I would like to gather here first and, even more importantly, see first hand information from higher level players of todays scene to bind into it.
The idea behind it is in the fact that I see lots of people who might somewhat understand the mechanics behind 6’s but most certainly almost nobody completely does apart from people such as Knoxxx.
Most Open players will probably know that the Medic and Demoman are important, but rather I want to write a comprehensive guide on the why, what and when of 6’s, also in less evident cases for new players such as; “What exactly is the worth of a Scout pick on a midfight”

There is a lot of subjects to talk about so I would like to order them somewhat already under different categories such as;

– Midfights
– Pushing&Holding
– Meaning of classes and picks
– Calling
– Technical advantages

Note that I plan to have multiple sub titles for each section, for example “Rollouts” under Midfights.
Please do write down any bigger themes you think that are as important as these 5 as I will gladly add them should I have forgotten any important ones and as there are bound to be things falling under multiple categories, just put down both instead of one if such a case happens, if not name the single title still.

Just putting this out here, if there is any interest I will gladly put in the work to write a proper summary on all the information I can get, if not, well shucks. 8)

Thanks for reading.

Last edited by Aaron,


Getting a good guide for the new newbs at Valve Matchmaking would be a nice idea :)

Although there are some good guides already



There are, rather than just making a guide I want to make a single compilation of any information that is somehow possible to squeeze out of the internet.



Also, have I mentioned I love double posts? 8)

Last edited by Aaron,


heal scouts win games.


Dr. med.

Sounds like an honourable task!

http://comp.tf/ and http://playcomp.tf/ are good starting points, both could be greatly expanded. Especially the wiki design is good if you want to collect data and write it down in a well-arranged way.



I appreciate it, I am especially interested should there be any less known blogs or such people find worth as source as information as well as the question wether any players of High tier and above would be willing to have a shot interview for their experiences and thoughts.

Last edited by Aaron,



Quoted from Aaron

Most Open players will probably know that the Medic and Demoman are important, but rather I want to write a comprehensive guide on the why, what and when of 6’s, also in less evident cases for new players such as; “What exactly is the worth of a Scout pick on a midfight”

Too many variables to write guied on that level of deepness, it comes through experience by actually playing the game. You could wirte over 40 page thesis just on “What exactly is the worth of a Scout pick on a midfight” if you really want to break it down.

But hey you go gril and do whatever you want with your time.



Quoted from Limp.

Too many variables to write guied on that level of deepness, it comes through experience by actually playing the game. You could wirte over 40 page thesis just on “What exactly is the worth of a Scout pick on a midfight” if you really want to break it down.

Of course experience is the only thing that can ultimately help.
But it is certainly not impossible to give a satisfying answer to the question, you have to consider, you do not count the worth of a Scout pick on what is possible, but what is certain.
If you keep it to that it is more than something any person can handle if you go on that thesis alone.
I dare say it even takes quite little space and time if it’s just this bit of information.

Last edited by Aaron,

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