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Looking for sniper mentor (Positioning/Gamesense)

Created 31st July 2014 @ 17:49

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I’m basically looking for someone to simply give me a few tips, eventually go through a demo or two with me, and tell me what I could have done better at what point. I have shooting people down, yet I don’t know some angles on some maps and which points on which maps tend to be pushed by the opponents. My team pushes X, what do I do? Our opponents push X, what do I do?

I have no competitive experience besides some lobbies and div6 scrims.
I do have the chance to get into a div1/prem team in the foreseeable future. I don’t think I’ll have a huge problem there to be honest, but I want to try to get as close to perfecting my play as possible.

Add me at Steam if you feel like you are capable of mentoring me some basics, aside of clicking heads. http://steamcommunity.com/id/flowsinho/



You should check out premiership demos – all prem matches need to have their STVs uploaded. http://etf2l.org/about/demos/


Quoted from ash

You should check out premiership demos – all prem matches need to have their STVs uploaded. http://etf2l.org/about/demos/

Good idea, thanks.

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