E-thug | mentoring for everyone
Created 15th May 2014 @ 15:35
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Will mentor any skill, any class, team or individuals. Can stick around in mumble and on your server, or watch a demo with you and your team if needed.
Need help learning the new turbine? or maybe the basic holds on process. Whatever you need ask me.
Contact me on steam
its quite helpful and interesting even though you are sleepy like a faggot
quite nice guy and has a lot of free time. 10/10
You might have a lot of demand, how about making it a group thing? Or do tutorials and record them with fraps and post them on youtube.
the most player
Ethug dabes!
Because of everyone whos add me I’ve had to make a schedule in order to fit people in when needed. I advice you to already have demos ready and/or your team onboards before we schedule a specific night that I can watch you guys play.
Quoted from Cauthon
most importantly, how to baguette?
Quoted from MIndYe
How do I shot web?
Quoted from jay
1 lyk =1 airshot
ignore dis if u tink b4nny is good player
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