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Reputation Based Scrims

Created 20th April 2014 @ 09:56

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Arti Rush

Quoted from Admirable

Damn the last two weeks sort of evaporated :D
Yeah I’m still planning on doing it for sure, will make a serious move on getting things started before the end of May.

thanks admirable c:


Admirable saving Highlander from itself?


Can I “downvote” Prem 6s teams from pretending to be div3 or div2/3 teams pretending to be div5

Because that shit happens way too often


Quoted from Fuxx

Can I “downvote” Prem 6s teams from pretending to be div3 or div2/3 teams pretending to be div5

Because that shit happens way too often

What about div 6 teams claiming to be div 4?


Arti Rush

Quoted from Collaide


What about div 6 teams claiming to be div 4?

Steel teams claiming to be Div 5?



Quoted from Fuxx

Can I “downvote” Prem 6s teams from pretending to be div3 or div2/3 teams pretending to be div5

Because that shit happens way too often

prem people arent allowed to mix?


Arti Rush

Quoted from Mundi

prem people arent allowed to mix?



Pardon the bump but I will say as a former moderator on TF2C that expecting the community to police itself is a risky move. People with poor reliability percentages, poor reputations, previous/current bans get into lobbies all the time sadly and not many people seem to give a crap. Maybe this is because there is a lack of choice when it comes to which lobbies you can play in (i.e. playing in a lobby with someone with a bad rep vs not playing a lobby at all).

I realise Admirable’s project is different to what TF2C is but I think the principle might be the same but it’ll be interesting to see how this all works out.



Quoted from Casino

Pardon the bump but I will say as a former moderator on TF2C that expecting the community to police itself is a risky move. People with poor reliability percentages, poor reputations, previous/current bans get into lobbies all the time sadly and not many people seem to give a crap. Maybe this is because there is a lack of choice when it comes to which lobbies you can play in (i.e. playing in a lobby with someone with a bad rep vs not playing a lobby at all).

I realise Admirable’s project is different to what TF2C is but I think the principle might be the same but it’ll be interesting to see how this all works out.

tf2c is shit, period.


Quoted from Phnx

tf2c is shit, period.

Thanks for that useful and insightful comment.


UbeR |

Quoted from Phnx

tf2c is shit, period.

You should check the discussion on the forums… we’ve been working on it for a while now:



Quoted from kKaltUu

You should check the discussion on the forums… we’ve been working on it for a while now:

Thread is private. This should have been finished ages ago.



Quoted from Casino

People with poor reliability percentages, poor reputations, previous/current bans get into lobbies all the time sadly and not many people seem to give a crap. Maybe this is because there is a lack of choice when it comes to which lobbies you can play in (i.e. playing in a lobby with someone with a bad rep vs not playing a lobby at all).

People come to lobby without any expectations for a good game most of the time, that’s why they don’t care that much. And if you put any limits it fills even longer, while being only slightly better. In my opinion, tf2lobby and tf2center were meant to be pubs with competitive settings, and I don’t have anything against that.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Quoted from Casino

Pardon the bump but I will say as a former moderator on TF2C that expecting the community to police itself is a risky move. People with poor reliability percentages, poor reputations, previous/current bans get into lobbies all the time sadly and not many people seem to give a crap. Maybe this is because there is a lack of choice when it comes to which lobbies you can play in (i.e. playing in a lobby with someone with a bad rep vs not playing a lobby at all).

I don’t intend to ban anyone based on their peer ratings. I just want to provide teams with the relevant information so that they can make an informed decision about whether or not they want to play versus opponents with poor reputations. Nobody likes having their time wasted.

In the pickup/lobby scenario you are generally looking to play “right now” and put yourself at the mercy of the tf2 gods.

In the team matchmaking scenario, if a team is organised, I think they can take a little more time over the selection process. Obviously, if they want a game immediately they can still take their pick of the opponents available at that moment or advertise for new challengers.

Finally started working on this at the weekend. It will definitely happen in some shape or form as I am using it for a piece of uni work. Deadline in just under four weeks. Send me your good vibrations 8)




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