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Reputation Based Scrims

Created 20th April 2014 @ 09:56

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Quoted from Freddy

i can imagine how much abuse that system would get.

“we lost, fuck these kids literally 0/10”

There should be a way to ‘report’ people for being late or rude or whatever via screenshots not a ‘rate a team out of 10’ kind of system because people are idiots, yes who would look at the screenshots etc is a question and it would be a lot of work but the only way to really do it.

Maybe every time you want to submit something yourself you have to look at 5 pending reports and decide if it is worth a -X points from their rep so that each report gets 5 random people from other teams decide it or something like that, systems not perfect but could work.


Quoted from ReseF

The site has to be NOT gay AND homo AT the same TIME.

Resef, making sense since 1982.


(Toucan Ambassador)

What are the criteria that make a good opponent or a bad opponent?

I feel like lateness is the biggest factor. If teams were submitting server info to the site you could actually use remote logging to calculate the difference between when the game was supposed to start and when it actually started (or teams ready up).

Would that be a more foolproof statistic than peer rating?

Last edited by Admirable,



Quoted from Admirable

What are the criteria that make a good opponent or a bad opponent?

I feel like lateness is the biggest factor. If teams were submitting server info to the site you could actually use remote logging to calculate the difference between when the game was supposed to start and when it actually started (or teams ready up).

Would that be a more foolproof statistic than peer rating?

That would make more sense, aye, but how hard would it be to implement?

Also, I suggest a penalty of some sort should teams become repeat-offenders of not playing within ‘x’ amount of time from arranging the game on the site. Perhaps something like a few days ban from the site or similar.

This would probably work best if you could match the current ETF2L teams to those on your site and allowed ONLY ETF2L registered teams/players in teams to use the site to look for games; ie. no ‘mix’ games would be accommodated for, games would all be PCW’s.

For example, when I login to your site to look for a game, it would auto-recognise me as being from ‘elevated’. If I repeatedly fail to get the team together in a timely manner for matches arranged through your site, ‘elevated’ would get a temporary ban from using the site to search for games, that way I can’t simply ask someone else from the team to search for the game to just bypass my personal ban. It would allow teams to EASILY know their opponents actual division and whatnot.

This is all assuming such a link is viable though…


Edit: I refer just to ETF2L since it’s the biggest league. Obviously linking to teams that are in other leagues would make sense too

Last edited by Muerte,


(Toucan Ambassador)

Do “offenders” need to be banned or will their poor ratings be punishment enough? Would it police itself?

Spike Himself


Quoted from w3doe


please give us a 9v9 channel that isnt tf.wars, thats only made for 6v6.

So what you’re saying is “they’re too lazy”?

I mean anyone can just hop into any channel and that’s all there’s to it. Just need to get it advertised/populated..


Quoted from Admirable

Do “offenders” need to be banned or will their poor ratings be punishment enough? Would it police itself?

I think it would police itself really.. once they get a shit rep it’s the same as being banned

Last edited by Arcticcu,


Quoted from Spike Himself


So what you’re saying is “they’re too lazy”?

I mean anyone can just hop into any channel and that’s all there’s to it. Just need to get it advertised/populated..

Thing is teams don’t even use tf wars in 6v6 because all you get is mix teams, so 6v6 could use this kind of website too just so long as it is linked to etf2l or ugc or whatever.



Quoted from hr

Thing is teams don’t even use tf wars in 6v6 because all you get is mix teams, so 6v6 could use this kind of website too just so long as it is linked to etf2l or ugc or whatever.

I use steam friends to set up scrims and only use tf.wars if i happen to need a game on short notice – for which irc yields excellent results, more often than not i will find another team in a similar situation.



Quoted from ash


I use steam friends to set up scrims and only use tf.wars if i happen to need a game on short notice – for which irc yields excellent results, more often than not i will find another team in a similar situation.

Admirable’s idea about having a centralised website is purely for ease of access to what should be good quality and highly varied pcw’s that can be arranged in a few clicks.

Aye, the ‘existing method’ of simply adding a whole bunch of team leaders to your friends list does work…to an extent…Then 6 months down the line you end up with 20 people you never speak to on your friends list that are either a division or two above/below you or have just quit TF2 altogether.

It would be so much easier to just login to this site, see that an actual Div 4 team that are fully reliable and that you haven’t already played against 20 times are looking for a game at 9pm CET. Whack that accept button, shittalk them a bit before readying up and then proceeding to have a good game of TF2. Everyones happy.


(Toucan Ambassador)

I will be willing to put quite a lot of time in to this from next week onward, so feel free to throw out some more outlandish ideas that you might like to see beyond the initial release.


Arti Rush


Quoted from Admirable

I will be willing to put quite a lot of time in to this from next week onward, so feel free to throw out some more outlandish ideas that you might like to see beyond the initial release.

You should make an ETF2L thread and an /r/truetf2 post about this.


Admirable, are you still planning to make something like this?


Arti Rush


Admirable please make this. :’c

Just played a scrim where the enemy team abused our config breaking. They played with banned weapons, two demoknights, had a spycrab etc. I would love a way to downvote them or rate them badly or something so other teams can scrim and have proper games instead of the other team treating it like a pub.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Damn the last two weeks sort of evaporated :D
Yeah I’m still planning on doing it for sure, will make a serious move on getting things started before the end of May.

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