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poor roamer needs help

Created 1st April 2014 @ 18:59

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my gamesense buttfucks me
mid fights butt fuck me
and most of all scootie bootie bootie fuck me


play more
jump on foes (depends)
dm dm dm dm


Oh hello, i see you come here after pugging against me. All you need is time to become better. Theres no recipts how to become better in short period of time. Just follow tips, what was given to you and one day you will be fine.

Last edited by azarun,


shoot ground



After one or two mids and you aren’t getting anything done for your team, take your time before jumping see what is denying you, use your brain here, think of how you can change by fucking over the denying player.
Use different jumping positions there is so many.
focus him instead to get a kill and please for the love god tell your team when you go aggro so they can follow you up or even ask just one scout to come aggro with you, a scout and soldier can do a lot of damage, roaming is easy you just have to look at the situation and think, do the right thing and help your team or just go mindless and jump the med every time you are alive and you won’t do anything.




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