LF a HL Demo Mentor
Created 1st April 2014 @ 02:26
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I’m a Div 3/4 HL demo and I think my 1v1 and general DM is relatively good but i find myself overextending and making really bad decisions in Scrims and Mixes such as ending up in front of my team by myself often costing me my life and sometimes the whole team its pushing power. So looking for a mentor to help and teach me generally about positioning and when to use aggression as I feel that is whats letting me down.
Quoted from Fluff
but i find myself overextending and making really bad decisions in Scrims and Mixes such as ending up in front of my team by myself often costing me my life and sometimes the whole team its pushing power
tbh it sounds like you already know what you need to work on ;)
A mentor can give you all the tips and tricks in the world but he isn’t going to change what buttons you press, only you can.
Quoted from quintosh
learn to maincall then blame your team
Quoted from quintosh
learn to maincall then blame your team
*raises paw*
Me me me me me me pick me
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