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How to play against a sniper in 6v6?

Created 19th February 2014 @ 16:27

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Would love to hear some of your thoughts on how to effectively play against a Sniper. As detailed explanation as possible would be great. Not just on 5CP but koth aswell please.

Last edited by Marshy,

Spike Himself


Send roamer.



Run counter-sniper, send scout/roamer in, don’t jump into sightlines.


Abuse weak flank.




this is how



Let a flanker (roamer, scouts) deal with him or push through their (now weakened) flank to force them back.
If you want to countersnipe, make sure your teams calls out the enemy’s sniper’s position and where he’s facing, then snipe him from a different sightline (Preferably he shouldn’t know you run a sniper). Or just commence a full-force retard jump-360-noscope pr0 420yoloswag sniper battle.

Last edited by Marf,



1. go back to spawn and switch to sniper
2. find the weirdest sightline to the other sniper ever
3. charge up your rifle and peek
4. bodyshot!



Thanks for the comments so far, I think it’d be great if you guys could maybe write about some specific situations and what you can do. Like one instance i find tricky to tell people how to deal with is pushing out of badlands last and they have a sniper at choke. Like is it still a case of sending a roamer into him, even though he has his team nearby protecting and it’s really far for him to jump? Maybe some other situations on certain maps where you can push or jump from to deal with the sniper would be great. Or even ways 2 avoid him altogether with positioning of your uber and such. I get this is super tricky and situational to explan but would help me out, thanks again

Last edited by Marshy,



choke sightline is the strongest in the game tbh, best you can do is try to spam the sniper so he misses his shots or is forced to retreat.



all you can really do is just try to force him back by spamming the living shit out of him… would probably recommend pushing from left balcony / trash, where his sightlines are limited.



Ah ok this was my original thought, but it seems to let the enemy push forward from cliff and destroy you from spire, and if you jump up to spire the sniper can see you still if he is further right by cliff. During this whole time should you have someone watching far right (resup/dropdown) or do you just abandon that? Do none of you think it’s viable to maybe give your roamer or demo a flash to jump in then out just to pressure the sniper back and then take the fight on cliff/choke area. Or no? This is less of a sniper question but like i am never sure if you need someone watching far right ‘cus if you don’t and u get flanked from lobby/balc it never ends good


Quoted from Ace

Abuse weak flank.


It’s not rocket science



click on heads



good positioning and capitalizing on the fact they have one less combat class (scout / roamer).
unless he hits every shot he is slowing down his own team.


w+duckduckduckduck+jumpjumpjump+turning your mouse around like insane

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