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when is it appropriate to go sniper as roamer?

Created 17th December 2013 @ 22:19

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does anyone know when sniper is necessary, because all the times I have gone sniper it seems unnecessary. for example on a scrim I did today, I went sniper on last and only managed to kill their sniper and we failed the push. If I was soldier would we have won?


if you are jukebox



it depends on the map and the situation
for example: viaduct is excellent for scouts but not great for roamer so a roamer-sniper would be better (assuming he can snipe as well as the scout-sniper)

most of the time a scout changes to sniper because a soldier + scout will be better at holding against a stronger flank than 2 scouts


Quoted from Joshi

if you are jukebox


Is the question “when should we offlass sniper (either scout/roamer)?” or “when should the roamer go sniper and not the scout”?

Obviously it depends on the maps, sniping on Granary is useless and dangerous except on last, but usually you do that either if you want a pick to push and you dont have uber advantage but you have position advantage (e.g. pushing last) or if you want to delay/defend a push and you have enough people or position to do so (e.g. defend badlands choke with snipe on balc, snipe on process second).
Never go sniper if you have a significant advantage, and only snipe if your sniper can hit stuff otherwise offclass with something else (depending on situation) or stay your classes.

Whether going sniper instead of a scout: if one of your scouts is better than you let him snipe. As stark said usually its the scout going sniper cause that way you can still have a strong flank and you have more output damage.
Otherwise, you can do that whener you want a sniper and sacrifing a roamer is ok (assuming you are good) (eg. Viaduct, holding a point and you spawn earlier than your scout).



if you can make up for that lack of a roamer yes
so basically if you don’t suck


is it right that if a roamer fails a bomb he should offclass? Or should he stay soldier and let them get uber? This is assuming that the roamer’s team is at an uber disadvantage.

EDIT: also if both meds went down and we wanted to build would it be good to go sniper (if it was equal ubers basically)?

Last edited by Jerome,


Quoted from Jerome

is it right that if a roamer fails a bomb he should offclass? Or should he stay soldier and let them get uber? This is assuming that the roamer’s team is at an uber disadvantage.

depends on the position. If about to push last, a lot of the time its more like the roamer suiciding in on purpose to spawn as another class IN CASE his bomb fails. You should only offclass if it will give you and your team an advantage compared to if you were playing soldier, and if you die and they use their uber on 5v6, there isnt gonna be a whole lot to do with offclasses unless you got pushed back to last by their uber and you have to hold it.

Last edited by Freddy,



As stated above – if you can make up the lack of a roamer by sniping, go for it. If not, dont. The better a sniper you are, the easier it is for you to make up the lack of a roamer. That’s why Jukebox can pretty much perma snipe on a map like granary.

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