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Sapphiira div 4/5 demo lf demo mentor! (Closed)

Created 8th April 2013 @ 09:49

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I have played 1 season of etf2l now, and it went alright!
But atm, I dont think I improve that much. So Im looking for someone who can help me out, and find my mistakes!

Last edited by Sapphira,


Just check your own demos. Everyone can be a “mentor” and point out mistakes by re-watching a demo.
Check out numlocked`s review of granary @ etf2l s14 finals http://etf2l.org/forum/general/topic-25014/page-1/ and see what thought process goes into demo play. See what you have been doing and what you could be doing.
Other then that practice rollouts, pipe aim and learn how to mannage your ammo so you dont run out of it.
If its hard for you to find mistakes watch your demo and after every death try to figure out how and why you died and what you could have done different. Same for failed pushes.
You can add me if the things above dont seem enough help

Last edited by doks,



Yuki is doing demo reviews on his stream recently. Really good. http://teamfortress.tv/forum/thread/3437-demo-reviews-by-some-australian-idiot



Small point, and I shouldn’t, as everyone has a right to lie, but why “div4/5” when you’re div6? I’m still hesitant about calling myself anything other than div6.



Quoted from

“Everyone has a right to lie”


Played well in our Wireplay official last night, GL in finding a mentor!

Might be a silly question, but have you tried watching POV demos/streams of demomen like Kaidus/Huhy? And I mean like *really* watching them, analysing their motives for what they’re doing and learning their traps and positioning and stuff rather than just appreciating the frags because those guys are bosses.

I always got the impression that around div4-6 there wasn’t much point looking for a mentor because there’s still so much (relatively) basic stuff to learn about the meta and other things that’re best self-taught.


I’ve watched most of my demos. Both from wins and loses, but I havent really gained anything from it. Only that I overextend alot!


Quoted from fraac

Small point, and I shouldn’t, as everyone has a right to lie, but why “div4/5” when you’re div6? I’m still hesitant about calling myself anything other than div6.

Guess you could say that. But I dont see my self as only div6 skill now. My team has been playing div 5/4/3 lately. So I base it from that.


Quoted from Xearo



Played well in our Wireplay official last night, GL in finding a mentor!

Might be a silly question, but have you tried watching POV demos/streams of demomen like Kaidus/Huhy? And I mean like *really* watching them, analysing their motives for what they’re doing and learning their traps and positioning and stuff rather than just appreciating the frags because those guys are bosses.

I always got the impression that around div4-6 there wasn’t much point looking for a mentor because there’s still so much (relatively) basic stuff to learn about the meta and other things that’re best self-taught.

Yeah I often watch their streams!
I try gaining as much knowledge of the class from other peoples stream and videos as I can!

Also gg! Wp :)



Quoted from Xearo



Played well in our Wireplay official last night, GL in finding a mentor!

Might be a silly question, but have you tried watching POV demos/streams of demomen like Kaidus/Huhy? And I mean like *really* watching them, analysing their motives for what they’re doing and learning their traps and positioning and stuff rather than just appreciating the frags because those guys are bosses.

I always got the impression that around div4-6 there wasn’t much point looking for a mentor because there’s still so much (relatively) basic stuff to learn about the meta and other things that’re best self-taught.

kaidus is playing strategies above div 4/5 level with his team, most teams even in d4 still don’t know basic strats so that wouldn’t be a good idea because you wont find a team to fit kaidus’

Dr. Heinz


Get good at jumping ^^


Quoted from Dr. Heinz

Get good at jumping ^^

Fu Heinz <3



Quoted from quintosh


kaidus is playing strategies above div 4/5 level with his team, most teams even in d4 still don’t know basic strats so that wouldn’t be a good idea because you wont find a team to fit kaidus’

Good positioning is good positioning no matter what the level, surely, and good sticky traps will kill prem players just as easily as div4 players. I’ve picked up plenty of things from streams/demos of higher level demomen and used them successfully in games and I’m sure loads of other div5 demomen have too. Don’t see you suggesting anything.

Last edited by Xearo,


(ETF2L Donator)

Quoted from Sapphira

So Im looking for someone who can help me out, and find my mistakes!

if you are still interested, we can go over your /mine demos and point out some mistakes and generell strats

just add me in steam or leave me a message in irc (/q kr4tos)

cheers kratos

Last edited by .kr4tos,



If you still don’t have a mentor just go to DM servers, look for a sick demo (that you know plays demo as main) and ask him nicely if he could mentor you. This is what I did ^^


Found a mentor (Kr4tos) ^^
Thank you for all the help, everyone has posted here :)

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