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6V6 TF2 Tactics Blog

Created 4th April 2013 @ 14:56

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Hi there, I have just recently started making a blog about some real basic 6v6 stuff for some players new to 6v6 who I have been trialing for an upcoming team hopefully entering division 6 for Season 15. There are many many typos, missing words and sentences that don’t make sense as well as some info that really isn’t great, but it’s just me brainstorming and writing really fast from my mind without thinking things through, just to get the basics out to these people. I would appreciate some feedback and any tips on how to structure the blog, I intend to move on to holding points, and pushes for all maps in ETF2L map pool at the moment (season 14). To note, my only experience is division 4 as scout therefore my knowledge of tactics is pretty basic. But basically I would appreciate some feedback on how to improve. I will at some point read it through and remove some of the points that are clearly wrong and remove typos e.t.c but I just prefer writing from my train of thought firstly.

Sorry for the bleurgh of text, thanks!


Last edited by Marshy,


(Legendary Ratehacks)

good effort



Having had a quick skim of this I have to say I’m impressed with the detail you’ve gone into. However, I’d have to advise anyone reading it to be careful of a huge information overload, it’s often easier to learn by simply playing middles and actively thinking about decisions as well as watching the demos/streams of higher skilled players or teams.

Perhaps to avoid that for your readers try to focus on one map and link the mid push into the second push/defense for example rather than doing all the mid fights and then all the second pushes. I can easily imagine reading this whole thing and having crossed wires when trying to apply it to a match afterwards.

Like I say though, someone who can use the resource right would learn a lot from the detail in this work, so good work on that count.


Quoted from ilike2spin

Having had a quick skim of this I have to say I’m impressed with the detail you’ve gone into. However, I’d have to advise anyone reading it to be careful of a huge information overload, it’s often easier to learn by simply playing middles and actively thinking about decisions as well as watching the demos/streams of higher skilled players or teams.

Perhaps to avoid that for your readers try to focus on one map and link the mid push into the second push/defense for example rather than doing all the mid fights and then all the second pushes. I can easily imagine reading this whole thing and having crossed wires when trying to apply it to a match afterwards.

Like I say though, someone who can use the resource right would learn a lot from the detail in this work, so good work on that count.

Thanks man, that’s something I have considered. I originally thought of archiving all maps like this:

Mid Fights, Holds, Pushes

and then seperately going through last hold, to pushing to 2nd. 2nd hold pushing to mid and so on.. if you get my bad explenation lol. But cheers for the response I will def take that into account as i tried to put myself in the shoes of someone not knowing any of this beforehand as ofc for me and you and the average 6v6 player knows most of this anyway



thanks a lot for the effort you put into this, it looks really well written

maybe you can put some kind of navigation bar or a list of contents on the top of it


Quoted from quintosh

thanks a lot for the effort you put into this, it looks really well written

maybe you can put some kind of navigation bar or a list of contents on the top of it

Yeah will be doing that hopefully. Like I said this is literally just me spurting some stuff out in my head. I didn’t stop and think about the structure of it or anything like that yet, just seeing if my input and content is usefull or not first, thanks for the reply!

(Cheers who ever moved it, appreciate it greatly.)

Last edited by Marshy,



Seems like a brilliant resource for new players. Well done mate.

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