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How do I train playing tf2

Created 15th January 2013 @ 12:06

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Chicken George




play quake



You should look for a top div4 experienced mge beast and train with him.


You gotta practice. Practice. Practice. Practice.



Quoted from Vyal

You gotta practice. Practice. Practice. Practice.







Impossible. Since patch 1.4.5b training is not supported anymore. Players that entered the game after 5 march 2012 will no longer be able to advance beyond Div 6. You can still train by using a bypass/glitch. Disable steam client, start TF2 with startupcommand -train and it will spawn trains for you to train with.

Good luck!


Quoted from Vyal

You gotta practice. Practice. Practice. Practice.


Sometimes you need to take a break to shout obscenities in mumble. This is important.

Seriously though. Play DM, MGE (pls dont hate me ;__;), as much PCWs and mixes as possible and maybe some tr_rocketshooting



You do all realise crouton is playing in division 2 this season and is probably reasonably adequate at shooting pixels in team fortress 2?

Never the less, I shall give some sandwich inspired advice/criticism.

Eat a sandwich before you play.
Ensure it’s got bread, and some kind of filling.
I like some kind of meat and some kind of cheese, preferably those which work well together, say brie and ham, chorizo and goat’s cheese or beef and stilton.
Ensure to butter the bread both top and bottom, anyone found to be using any form of low fat spread will be reminded these are closer to plastic than food.
If you expect the filling to be overly moist or greasy, consider grilling or toasting the bread first to provide a firmer base for your munching needs.
Add mixed leaves, tomato, dressing, chutney, relish, salsa, spring onion, cucumber, pickles and/or condiment as you desire, again, trying to match the condiment to the filling, cheese and chutney for example, or beef and horseradish.
Don’t be bad.
Hit pixels.



Quoted from Monkeh

You do all realise crouton is playing in division 2 this season and is probably reasonably adequate at shooting pixels in team fortress 2?

No. I assumed he was an African T-Rex with thumbs that owned a Sunbeams Team Captain IRL.



I don’t agree with Monkey’s sandvich tactic to pixelperfection. As everyone knows, consuming sandviches will draw alot of energy from your brain to digest the combination of bad taste and fat, he’s implying. I’m willing to bet, his head is white due to anaemic braintissue and his tummy resembles a huge old globe they used in geo classes.

What a true gamer needs is.. Ice Ice baby! A few vanilla icecubes, chocolate sirop on top and a bit of sprinkles. Your digestion will coop with this meal alot faster, it releases alot of sugars, which help your energy levels fly through the roof and your APM will burst. I’ve seen players burst to 500-600 APM (actions per month) from 1 cube. Aim improvement will scale up to 300% more precesion (depending on the sirop used). Overal game sense will be equal to 2D radar boomeh high. In fact, 3D radar is possible, where as sandviches can reach 4D but gas release is imminent. The best thing is, that ice is NOT detected by AC clients like that of AnAkin (yet).

Good luck!

Last edited by Andee,


Move your earthly possessions to the uppermost floor of a tall skyscraper, or build your humble abode amid a scenic mountain range. Thus you will have attained permanent high-ground, and just beneath the starry firmament, your gaze fixed to the heavens, your bare skin (you are nude in this scenario) basking in the cool midnight breeze, you may reflect on many a cunning stratagem for the battles ahead.

Last edited by gnaw,



Quoted from Monkeh

You do all realise crouton is playing in division 2 this season

Don’t rub it in :(

Last edited by crouton,



Quoted from Muerte

No. I assumed he was an African T-Rex with thumbs that owned a Sunbeams Team Captain IRL.

I’m reasonably sure the T-rex was found in the Americas and not Africa. So phooey to youey.

Quoted from crouton

Don’t rub it in :(

Hey man, I dream of div 2 innit.

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