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LF scout mentor Div 2+

Created 20th December 2012 @ 15:43

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Le meme arrows

Jump around like a faggot while spamming “Meatshot 8)” in chat. You’re prem now.


Quoted from ell

More often than not people claim that aim comes with practice only and that there is nothing more to it. I would like to disagree. While many advance solely through intuition, being conscious about your training can teach you were and how to put in the extra effort. My model is divided into 4 parts that I go over whenever I feel that something is off:

* Eye focus – stare at the crosshair/opponent like a maniac and put all of your mental effort into aligning them. When you’re tired it’s easy to slide out into a wider focus.

* Tension – Keep your arm and wrist tense as if you were doing a button-reaction-test, just not to stiff. Maintain the tension through every movement. Use only your wrist.

* Speed – Now do all of this as fast as you can.

* Dodging – Read the opponent and get inside his head, avoid his line of sight and try to throw him off. Use sideway keys to mirror your opponent as you fire, but not at the expense of evading. Alternate rapidly, 4 hz or faster for hitscan opponents, but for dodging rockets.

Doing this right you should be like a squirrel on caffeine. It takes a lot of effort and you can’t keep it up for long, but in an actual game you will constantly alternate between this narrow focus and a wider one, giving you time to breate. Most people I see, even in high divs, don’t bother with fast narrow tracking and do throwing motions rather than maintain tension. Having a lightweight mouse with high trackings speed makes this style a whole lot easier. I don’t claim to have mastered the execution of this model, but it has helped me advance in the past. Needless to say, you still need to practice it in dm/mge.

thank you this helps alot and thank you for all the people how comented on my thread some of your tips really helped especially smzi, wrock, ell and everyone who comented
if you have anymore tips please feel free to ask and if your a mentor please add me



Don’t jump a lot when you’re just learning the ropes of playing scout. While it is a viable way to dodge, and should be used to dodge when needed, it also throws your aim off, and it’s generally easier to shoot someone who is in the air than shoot someone from the air. Spam A-D and start to learn to aim by playing dm, and possibly doing muscle memory exercises aswell. While doing all of this, don’t forget to actually play the game – play lobbies and pickups often, and if you don’t already have a team you should try to get one. The best way to improve is to join a team and play night after night in a fairly constant environment.


Quoted from Rake

Don’t jump a lot when you’re just learning the ropes of playing scout. While it is a viable way to dodge, and should be used to dodge when needed, it also throws your aim off, and it’s generally easier to shoot someone who is in the air than shoot someone from the air. Spam A-D and start to learn to aim by playing dm, and possibly doing muscle memory exercises aswell. While doing all of this, don’t forget to actually play the game – play lobbies and pickups often, and if you don’t already have a team you should try to get one. The best way to improve is to join a team and play night after night in a fairly constant environment.

thanks for the tip but 1 question. how would i be able to practice my muscle memory?


(Legendary Ratehacks)

dont change your sensitivity to much and play loads



Yeah, jumping makes you an easy target unless you also don’t want to aim at the same time (while reloading for example, unless you are stefan). It’s really easy for a soldier to score a direct hit on a scout who jumps in a predictable way, way easier than hitting a strafing scout with a direct.

Also, generally speaking, you don’t want to be to close if you are fighting a soldier or demo head-on. Super short range its pretty much impossible for them to miss you and you really need to hit the full 90-100dmg. Scouts who stay at like 50-60dmg range are way more annoying to deal with because they are harder to hit and get away more easily (take less damage and are further away). If it’s more of a teamfight and you aren’t being focussed you do go in close of course ;).

Last edited by Koeitje,



Quoted from ozzi


thanks for the tip but 1 question. how would i be able to practice my muscle memory?

play a lot

Last edited by rytis,



Quoted from rytis

play alot





Quoted from Koeitje




fake quote


thank you again. does anyone have a tip for imrpoving my tracking skill’s some of the people i asked told me to do dm and mge more but it feels like my pistol aim is the same as it already was


( . )( . )

just keep playing dm more or play tr_walkway and make them dodge and just track those targets. I would prefer playing dm but if the server is full you can use that map meanwhile.



Did you just imply that you expected to notice an improvement after a single day of practicing a bit?


Quoted from ash

Did you just imply that you expected to notice an improvement after a single day of practicing a bit?

it wasnt a single day it was like after a week and noticed my tracking didn’t improve at all.
i’ve tried tr_walkway but i found another map called tr_newbots http://gamebanana.com/tf2/maps/120297 try it out and tell me what you think of it thanks

Last edited by ozzi,

sheepy dog's hand

(Cutest boy in TF2)

Quoted from bob

just keep playing dm more or play tr_walkway and make them dodge and just track those targets. I would prefer playing dm but if the server is full you can use that map meanwhile.

Don’t play scout on tr_walkway



Quoted from ozzi


it wasnt a single day it was like after a week and noticed my tracking didn’t improve at all.
i’ve tried tr_walkway but i found another map called tr_newbots http://gamebanana.com/tf2/maps/120297 try it out and tell me what you think of it thanks

1 week doesn’t really give you noticable results. Come back after a few months of 1-2h/day.

E: I’m bored so I’m gonna tell you how I got to div1 level. Play some matches and afterwards, watch your demos. Every time you die, think of WHY it happened and if you could have prevented it with positioning yourself better. Note that sometimes you die for a cause, wether that is forcing the uber early or delaying a push. If most of the time your thinking “I would have won if I hit my shots” your doing it wrong. Sometimes that’s the reason, but most of the times it’s not. Also, watch vanillaTV insights and analyze why the players on those do what they do. Just copying what the higher div players do doesn’t make you good. You need to learn how to adapt to the situation you’re in and when to be aggressive and not to be aggressive. I’m talking it.

Last edited by MIndYe,

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