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LF scout mentor Div 2+

Created 20th December 2012 @ 15:43

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im here to ask for a div 2+ scout mentor to help me with my troubles in 6s, dm, mge
please add me im an ok scout my friend says i have a div 4-5 aim i think. and i would loved if u would add me and help. thank you if u are reading this and if u are a div 2+ scout that is willing to help me with my troubles please do help me. I’ve posted a similar
thread at teamfortress.tv and i am eager to learn more and hopefully join atleast a div 6 team soon

thanks for reading etf2l

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044254477/ <======add me


(Legendary Ratehacks)

play dm as much as possible
rewatch your own demos, take notes when u die and try to find mistakes
get rid of those mistakes step by step
gl hf



What I saw you on DM yesterday your movement was bad, just catching rockets.


i know :( thats why i need mentor. smzi i seen your name in one of the other threads and one for the comments said to add you but u dont have that much spare time and he said u have a big heart or something dunno forgot :P

Last edited by ozzi,



Quoted from ozzi

i know :( thats why i need mentor. smzi i seen your name in one of the other threads and one for the comments said to add you but u dont have that much spare time and he said u have a big heart or something dunno forgot :P

For beginners you could just start doing what he just told you.


a div2+ scout will probably teach you how to play tf2 in div2+.
which is totally useless with d6 teamplay



Quoted from vøid

a div2+ scout will probably teach you how to play tf2 in div2+.
which is totally useless with d6 teamplay

Even if his team mates would obviously make more mistakes in div 6, it’s still better to do the sensible thing than running around like a muppet.


I would make demo’s but i dunno how u do that thing where u press a button and it says in team chat prec then says something after it usually recording


Writing a little bit better should be a great improvement to begin with. Then applying the advices would definitely get you better and better.


Ok but that didnt tell me how you make that demo thing press a button and starts to record :P

Last edited by ozzi,



Quoted from ozzi

Ok but that didnt tell me how you make that demo thing press a button and starts to record :P


PREC stands for PoV record and records a PoV Demo.
That means: Whenever you play a competitive match, PREC will automatically record a demo (not a replay!) from your point of view, so in first person.
That will also allow you to share your wicked sick killstreaks with your buddies and maybe even eXtv who might publish them, for a large fan base to see!

It will also make your life as a team leader easier, as it takes the necessary demos and screenshots required from you when playing an official match if you tell it to (Advanced Options).

You can download P-REC here http://etf2l.org/files/p-rec.rar

You should not rely too much on the machine though because it is possible the tool fails. Double checking if all needed screenshots have been taken is recommended.
Read about what screenshots you have to take in the Rules, it’s not too much, but important!

beside that, do as smzi said, play dm, watch your own demos, play some mixes with higher div players

Last edited by wrock,


Quoted from wrock



PREC stands for PoV record and records a PoV Demo.
That means: Whenever you play a competitive match, PREC will automatically record a demo (not a replay!) from your point of view, so in first person.
That will also allow you to share your wicked sick killstreaks with your buddies and maybe even eXtv who might publish them, for a large fan base to see!

It will also make your life as a team leader easier, as it takes the necessary demos and screenshots required from you when playing an official match if you tell it to (Advanced Options).

You can download P-REC here http://etf2l.org/files/p-rec.rar

You should not rely too much on the machine though because it is possible the tool fails. Double checking if all needed screenshots have been taken is recommended.
Read about what screenshots you have to take in the Rules, it’s not too much, but important!

beside that, do as smzi said, play dm, watch your own demos, play some mixes with higher div players

thank you very much


if anyone has some scout v scout tips and a good dodging tip to help me on my way please do tell


(ETF2L Donator)

More often than not people claim that aim comes with practice only and that there is nothing more to it. I would like to disagree. While many advance solely through intuition, being conscious about your training can teach you were and how to put in the extra effort. My model is divided into 4 parts that I go over whenever I feel that something is off:

* Eye focus – stare at the crosshair/opponent like a maniac and put all of your mental effort into aligning them. When you’re tired it’s easy to slide out into a wider focus.

* Tension – Keep your arm and wrist tense as if you were doing a button-reaction-test, just not to stiff. Maintain the tension through every movement. Use only your wrist.

* Speed – Now do all of this as fast as you can.

* Dodging – Read the opponent and get inside his head, avoid his line of sight and try to throw him off. Use sideway keys to mirror your opponent as you fire, but not at the expense of evading. Alternate rapidly, 4 hz or faster for hitscan opponents, but for dodging rockets.

Doing this right you should be like a squirrel on caffeine. It takes a lot of effort and you can’t keep it up for long, but in an actual game you will constantly alternate between this narrow focus and a wider one, giving you time to breate. Most people I see, even in high divs, don’t bother with fast narrow tracking and do throwing motions rather than maintain tension. Having a lightweight mouse with high trackings speed makes this style a whole lot easier. I don’t claim to have mastered the execution of this model, but it has helped me advance in the past. Needless to say, you still need to practice it in dm/mge.

Last edited by ell,



PROTIP: shoot at the cyberdemon until he dies

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