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LF scout mentor div2+

Created 28th November 2012 @ 18:53

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I’m currently div 4 level but looking to get to div 3 skill by Season 14.

I’d appreciate it if a div2+ scout could go over some demos with me and MGE me sometimes as it’s hard to find scout opponents on pub MGE servers.

Also looking for general tips on aim, gamesense, what’s the best way to train etc.

I can’t think of anything I can offer in return but hopefully we can work something out.

I’m looking to go far in TF2 so I promise I won’t waste your time.



inb4 some mong mentions r7an

(xDD i just did)



add smzi http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198013128756/

p.s: if anyone else is interested sam has an awful amount of free time and is such a sweet guy with a big heart – he is willing to help each and everyone of you



Ask penny, I heard he’s good and atleast div2 cause he beat div3 solly in sc v sc MGE.



Last edited by taro,

❤ :3


Here are some tips about aim: There’s no magic secret to get good besides practice. All the people you think have an insane aim did not get it when they got their first computer. It’s muscle memory and just how comfortable you are with your mouse. There will always be people that are more talented but in the end if you’ve played enough you’ll get an amazing aim.
So wether you play mge, pub, jump or surf maps, etc you’ll get the same result. You’ll become more and more accustomed to your sensitivity.
I don’t like mge just because it doesn’t really train your aim in general if you play against the same opponent all the time. You just get used to how he moves and it makes you think you get better aim but in fact you just get used to his movement.

In terms of game sense, I think playing with really experienced players is a super opportunity. But sadly enough, not everyone gets to do that. There are a bunch of MGE videos on YouTube where top scouts review demos and overview how to play in games. Jh had the best videos in the bunch in my opinion.
Besides this and obviously playing tf2, here are a few things you might wanna keep in mind:
Staying alive is a top priority. You’re there to cover the flank, cap points, make calls and finish whatever enemies are low. If you’re dead, your team can’t rely on you anymore. If they want to push with an uber advantage but you died before capping the point, your team will have to do it and probably lose their advantage.
As a scout, you’re really quick but fragile. Use this to your advantage. You’re not supposed to take enemies by jumping in their faces. Come from behind/flank. You’ll have a free meatshot and will be in a better position than taking someone 1v1. Attack when the team is distracted not when they are focused on you. 1v1 should be avoided as much as you can. Unless you’re 100% sure to win or can’t avoid it.
Your calls are massively important since you’re the main callers eyes on the flank.
These are just some bullet points. But staying alive is probably the one thing to remember. Tf2 is won by capping points. Even if fraggin is important, often times I’m sure you’re team will be happier with you alive rather than being dead from a shitty 1v1 scout you could avoid and call to your team so they could help you out.
Now there are a few exceptions to staying alive at all cost. Making a med/demo pick before a push. Forcing the medics über. Anything that would give your team a clear advantage even if you’re dead.

There’s much more to say but I’ll stop here.
Take it easy :)

Last edited by ❤ :3,



Quoted from Retsh0ck

add smzi http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198013128756/

p.s: if anyone else is interested sam has an awful amount of free time and is such a sweet guy with a big heart – he is willing to help each and everyone of you

Approved, he helped me a while ago :3



Quoted from ❤ :3

They’re will

nice english


Quoted from Retsh0ck

nice english

Nice English.

❤ :3


Quoted from Retsh0ck

nice english

Typed it from my phone. Doesn’t excuse the bad grammar, but didn’t bother reading everything back on a tiny screen. Thanks for doing the effort of reading and correcting me. I’ll edit it later on when I’m at my place.


Thanks Shatzy.

❤ :3


No worries man. If it helped you in any way, I’m glad.
I hope you’ll find someone nice who’ll be able to let you enter good mixes and teach you what you’d like to learn.



Really cool Shatzy, I did know alot of what you said. But the explanation is nice, thanks for taking your time to type it! I am sure alot of people can use what you wrote, so I hope they tune in here. :)

❤ :3


Cheers man.

I don’t think that many people will find this thread, but any player who wants to improve and is motivated will find this information somewhere on the internet.
What I talked about here is pretty much covered in the MGE videos and surely somewhere else on this forum.
Anyway, I’m glad you found this interesting :).

Take it easy



Quoted from ❤ :3

Typed it from my phone. Doesn’t excuse the bad grammar, but didn’t bother reading everything back on a tiny screen. Thanks for doing the effort of reading and correcting me. I’ll edit it later on when I’m at my place.

oh, sorry, I actually thought it was Shintaz.

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