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Help with custom crosshair

Created 14th October 2012 @ 14:19

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How could I get the crosshair, or rather the circle around it, used on this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psoHMwfyCuU
I tried to download the HUD on his YouTube channel but that HUD appears to be messed up nor contain the circle around the crosshair, so I can´t seem to find it.
And if it´s a part of the HUD, then the crosshair is allowed on competitive matches, right?
Thanks in advance.



Looks similar to Garm3n HUD, which you can find here: http://etf2l.org/forum/customise/topic-15695/

To get the crosshair you need to open hudlayout.res in /tf/scripts/ find the bit that says ‘CrossHairCircle’ and change “visible” from 0 to 1.


Thanks, but that doesn’t seem to be size-adjustible like in the video. How could I do that?

Like, what this guy in this video has too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dujTnR4MC5U&feature=plcp

Last edited by MrNogget,

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