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Crusader's Crossbow or stock Syringe gun?

Created 16th August 2012 @ 18:05

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Needles are better in any situation.



Except when healing teammates three maps away on badlands spire when you’re playing gullywash, except that amazing, almost game breaking situation. Didn’t you watch ‘Prem’ by Cube?


Is interesting to see how people think about the crusaders crossbow, you do realize that you can do the same amount of damage approx as the syringe in the same time?

The only time the Syringe will beat the bow in a DM situation is when it’s very up close, as all needles hitting is like insta-death.

You’ve seen the amount of damage the bow has done with me let alone someone good ;), so it’s easily the best weapon in the right hands. Like I said if you can’t aim with it, stick with the syringe (even if you can’t admit it to yourself that you suck with the bow and are trying to find an excuse to use the Syringe <3)

Otherwise if you're a boss aiming with it, use it 101% more useful than needles!



Spike Himself


Quoted from byte

Is interesting to see how people think about the crusaders crossbow, you do realize that you can do the same amount of damage approx as the syringe in the same time?

If you hit. It’s a bigger gamble if you don’t have the aim. Missing one needle is not as big a deal as missing one crossbow arrow ^^

edit; yeah i hadn’t read the rest of your post yet.. derp :D

Last edited by Spike Himself,


Quoted from byte

even if you can’t admit it to yourself that you suck with the bow and are trying to find an excuse to use the Syringe

Still better than pretending that you are good with crossbow, keep spamming when it’s much better and efficient to use medigun, miss every arrow and constantly drop teammates because you are busy trying to get frag clip material. Oh, never get away from scouts without a help of freshly spawned dropped (also, frustrated for a particular reason) teammates.

No Brain

Why do you people who support needles only talk about scenarios where the medic is alone with an enemy? Most of the time that is not the case, maybe in div 6-5 you end up like that a lot and have to defend yourself but as soon as you get to higher divs you don’t get into those scenarios very often.

If you push main on badlands last you can still shoot arrows on your teammates as you run back to graybridge. I can guarantee that you will hit arrows on either your mates or on the enemies, no aim required.

Besides if you can’t aim arrows maybe you can practice?

Last edited by No Brain,

Spike Himself


Quoted from No Brain

Why do you people who support needles only talk about scenarios where the medic is alone with an enemy?

Presumably because thats the only time you’re ever going to use needles.


Quoted from No Brain

Why do you people who support needles only talk about scenarios where the medic is alone with an enemy? Most of the time that is not the case, maybe in div 6-5 you end up like that a lot and have to defend yourself but as soon as you get to higher divs you don’t get into those scenarios very often.

If you push main on badlands last you can still shoot arrows on your teammates as you run back to graybridge. I can guarantee that you will hit arrows on either your mates or on the enemies, no aim required.

Besides if you can’t aim arrows maybe you can practice?

if you are shooting arrows instead of simply healing someone it should mean ur alone tho…. :mindfuck:

Last edited by AnimaL,


Quoted from crouton


Elem.v has a roll-out that relies on xbow. Shrike jumps to mid pretty fast and lands on the ramp in ramp-room. He then stands there and waits for Ace to come into left-yard from second. Ace shoots an arrow at him and Shrike is on mid with ~170 HP and can jump to enemy ramp-room before the enemy soldiers get out of it.

Saw it once on the last game they played on vtv, it failed horribly though :d

zomg stop revealing our tactics :(
But yeah, we use crossbow for at least four rollouts. It’s such a integrated part of our metagame now, I don’t think I could ever switch back to needles.



Quoted from Ace


zomg stop revealing our tactics :(
But yeah, we use crossbow for at least four rollouts. It’s such a integrated part of our metagame now, I don’t think I could ever switch back to needles.

prem secrets right here ;-))

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