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LF a stv of dignitas style badlands last defense

Created 12th August 2012 @ 11:55

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Everything is in the title :)

I’m interested in learning this cool way to play so feel free to send me demos/stv!



Dignitas style being holding top lobby?



This might help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj3iYiyn4cs&list=PLD098F81F2CA74F00&index=15&feature=plpp_video

not enough teams know how to do this properly, which is a shame



Don’t let the yanks see you call it that D:





Do you know some actual teams doing that?

I can’t find old dignitas demos which still work :/

btw thanks for the MGE vid :)



There are a lot of teams who do it, if you check the vanillatf2 demo archives for any badlands game you’re very likely the see an example of it at some point in the game.


rockit like

sadly the yanks got it wrong



Didn’t teams stop using it so much because of the “double-uber-scout-to-last-counter”?



Quoted from TurboTabs

Didn’t teams stop using it so much because of the “double-uber-scout-to-last-counter”?

that is hardly a counter if you have a reaction time faster than a cactus



We do the ‘lobby hold’ a lot on badlands and it’s a great way of delaying and annoying your opponents.

The idea is to stall the enemies push long enough for you to get uber, if you’re lucky and the opposition get sloppy or careless you can get a couple of picks and swing the round.

Here’s what you do and why you do it:

There’s 4 entrances to the building housing CP4 on badlands. Main door, trash door on the ground and drop down and balcony upstairs.

Demo and pocket cover the main and trash doors from the balcony, 4 stickies on each door and rocket spam should it be required. No way through without losing a man or two or using uber VERY early.

Roaming soldier sits by drop down. His main duty is to call if any enemy go balcony/battlements so the pocket can go spam some rockets at them as well as killing any scouts stupid enough to come through drop down.

Medic is behind the pocket and demo ready to drop back if they uber through.

1 scout is hanging around last to protect from possible spy or ubered scout through main. (Uber is out by the time the scouts engage and then you uber your scouts and lol as they lose 2..then 3..then 4…HAHAHAHA etc.)

1 scout is hovering around the stairs on the right side to help the roamer on balcony or scout at last.

Medic builds uber standing close to retreat. Fee free to spam ‘I’m charged’ whilst you wait for that hundred percent. Once you get charge then get people buffed. You may want to drop back and hold last with the uber.

If they push both scouts through main then it needs to be called ASAP by the demo so the medic and pocket can drop back and uber/heal the pair of scouts now waiting at last and fall on any others that have followed. You have plenty of time to drop back before the scouts get to the point, (as long as it’s called quick enough), as they have to come a lot further than you do.

If you can get 2 picks from this hold then you need to push out, regardless of uber advantage. Rotate the roamer and ‘last’ scout to get the x4 on spire and solly at last and get the pocket and demo up to choke to stop then coming back in.

This hold will delay most teams for quite a while as they climb spire or lose a solly at main door, however it happens, it will slow them down and give you time to get some charge sorted.

Best to use when at an uber disadvantage or you got wiped at mid.

Getting to grips with this will definitely make you better at playing badlands, however it does take a bit of practice and everyone knowing their role and sticking to it. You don’t need your roamer getting picked by the sniper at choke because he got bored and wandered too far for example.

Losing even 1 person makes this hold MUCH more risky as you need the double cover on each door.

What teams will do to try to break it will generally either be climb spire and force upper lobby through battlements/balcony or uber scouts through main. If they come balcony then they have to push through a very small choke so assuming you’ve got your uber you can just block them out, force a massive multi uber and kill them on retreat. If you haven’t got uber then force them early and get back, either way they aint capping that last unless you mess it up.

I’ll see if I can find an STV of us shitnerds attempting it later for you, when I get back form work.


\V/ Gold

Can’t really see the point in holding lobby when having uber disadvantage. Ubering both scouts who will then rush to main still gives you a good advantage in the 2v2 and therefore a fair chance in capping the point before the rest of the team arrives. Retreating from forward hold takes a good amount of time, especially when considering how fast the cp can be capped.

Also, getting picks (for the attacking team) on balcony / drop is fairly easy. Two soldiers jumping into drop, then making a pick quickly forces you to go back.

Last edited by nTraum,



If scouts get from main door to the CP before your medic and pocket get from top to the CP then you’re doing it wrong, trust me. Any uber will have long since gone from the attacking scouts and then you drop on them from top right. You’ve got both of your scouts delaying them, standing on point if needed and soldier dropping in with demo not far behind.

As long as the call is made AS SOON AS THEY’RE THROUGH, you got plenty of time to get back and block.

Feel free to test it…I have.

Edit: The whole point of the lobby hold is to delay the attackers so you can get uber to hold last with. If they have to sort both sollies jumping in through dropdown then that takes time, the solly waiting for them with a scout to come meatshot makes it not as easy as you make out as well, but mainly, the time taken is the bonus.

Last edited by Monkeh,

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