Hardest competitive class; Scout or Soldier?
Created 28th July 2012 @ 11:14
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Which class would be the hardest to use properly in competitive terms, the Scout or Soldier? I’m simply wondering which one would require more time to learn and more difficult to use.
Are you good at point and click games. If yes, scout.If not and you prefer just clicking the floor, soldier.
out of all 4 classes, neither
demo and medic are way harder
otherwise soldier is harder, how hard could it be to shoot people in the back
Last edited by Sasuke,
Why didn’t you say “scout, soldier or demo”?
Quoted from MrFolzon
Which class would be the hardest to use properly in competitive terms, the Scout or Soldier? I’m simply wondering which one would require more time to learn and more difficult to use.
I think you should just pick the one, you like playing best and you can excel in :)
None TF2 is easy as shit
dem/medic are harder but as for this topic,soli is harder in my opinion. dealing damage is easier,but knowing what to do and where to be is harder than with scout.
soldier is easy to play , but it’s harder to be a VERY good soldier
because you can be very good in scout, just with backcap and shots from behind :)
It really depends on what you played on pub most
If other fps games more than tf2 like cods or css you should give it a try as a scout
Would say demo, then scout.
Coz ur demo is shit if ur scouts are shit, unless ur demo is wicked sick. then he might be ok, but then he will move up the ranks super fast.
But the main issue us lower teams is slow demo’s to mid, or scouts letting scouts behind you team. ie not watching flanks.
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