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Best competitive Spy revolver; Ambassador or stock?

Created 25th April 2012 @ 15:47

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I’m here for one question; to ask which Revolver is better for competitive Spies, Ambassador or stock.

I know that the Ambassador requires a lot more practice, but it also has it’s downsides, even with professional Highlander players.

Now, my question is, should I use the stock Revolver or Ambassador in competitive games?
Don’t mention practice, I’m practicing a lot with the Ambassador, but in the end, I’m not sure which one is better when I’ll go full comp.



Quoted from Razzen

I’m here for one question; to ask which Revolver is better for competitive Spies, Ambassador or stock.

I know that the Ambassador requires a lot more practice, but it also has it’s downsides, even with professional Highlander players.

Now, my question is, should I use the stock Revolver or Ambassador in competitive games?
Don’t mention practice, I’m practicing a lot with the Ambassador, but in the end, I’m not sure which one is better when I’ll go full comp.

If you can consistently hit headshots then go for the ambassador.
If not, you may as well go for the revolver as it does decent damage and is easier to use.



if you can aim like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPVQpPCXT1U
go for ambassador


If u have good aim then use Ambassador, I would use revolver but it’s ur decision


The diamondback isn’t a bad option either. If you can sap the teleport, you get 2 crits which you can use to 2shot medics.



imo it is best to switch between your weapons.
If you have good aim get the ambassador, useful to pick razorback snipers or players below 102. Also, constantly 102dmg output is very nice to have
Revolver always works, higher dps and also deals good dmg to buildings.
With the enemy running minisentry or on maps like lakeside the critrevolver is also nice.
Wouldn’t really use the letranger, maybe nice to ennoy the enemy team with infinite death ringer fakes but not a good choice at all


If you can consistently hit headshots then go for the ambassador.

Well, If you can catch them offguard or backpedaling, then you can hit some of the shots, otherwise it’s a very situational weapon with a lower damage output.

+ Easier to hit consecutive bodyshots, as the spread is much lower
+ Ability to inflict 102 points of damage on headshot

– Weaker at bodyshoting and finishing injured foes as it’s damage is reduced by 15% compared to revolver
– Cooldown between shots makes it harder to survive during 1v1 or 1v2 fights because any other firearm can outdps the ambassador at close range
– Crosshair will change in size after each shot, which could sometimes be distracting

If not, you may as well go for the revolver as it does decent damage and is easier to use.

In fact revolver is not by any means easier. It’s the weapon with much higher spread which makes it unfriendly to people do not tend to practice their aim a lot. If you want to go for bodyshots and occasional headshots, then the ambassador is your choise.

The diamondback isn’t a bad option either. If you can sap the teleport, you get 2 crits which you can use to 2shot medics.

At first it might look like a decent unlock but in reality it turns out to be useless and highly situational like the spy itself :). In order for diamondback to payoff it’s lowered damage you have to find a building to sap, then you have to make sure you escape with enough health left to make these crits work. In the end they are usually get wasted pretty fast on some wandering scout or sniper. Even if you get crits, nothing can guarantee that you will hit all the shots with them. After all you can make more with your stock revolver or even with the ambassador.

Last edited by aura,

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