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Need team for mixes

Created 3rd March 2012 @ 14:02

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Hi. I’m new to TF2, but not to esport. I play as pocket soldier( but I can also play as roamer if it’s necessary ). I don’t have any problems with communication or teamplay. I also know where to stand, and what to do. My skill can be easily “marked” as div6. I speak english without any problems and I’m looking for team for mixes. I want to improve my game ( I play as much as I can ), and mixes are a great way to do so. So if you’re looking for div6 soldier add me on steam (“Mario @ Mix”)- you won’t regret it !


has $w@G

A good way to get started is to look at the recruitment page (http://etf2l.org/recruitment/) and look at div 6 teams searching for a soldier and join them and start practising, but if your looking just to improve before you get into a team you can go to tf2 lobby (http://tf2lobby.com/) and get games there and to improve your setting in situations you can join an MGE or DM server and practise

Quoted from Pricee

but if your looking just to improve before you get into a team you can go to tf2 lobby (http://tf2lobby.com/)

lies. The Newbie mix group is ok if u can’t find people to play with, even though it’s turned into a circlejerk shitheap lately.
Good luck finding someone to mix with :>

Mors Immortalis




Quoted from Pricee

A good way to get started is to look at the recruitment page (http://etf2l.org/recruitment/) and look at div 6 teams searching for a soldier and join them and start practising, but if your looking just to improve before you get into a team you can go to tf2 lobby (http://tf2lobby.com/) and get games there and to improve your setting in situations you can join an MGE or DM server and practise

I play a lot MGE/DM and tf2lobby is a lie. Seriously. I don’t know if anyone of ppl recomending it to “newbies” tried it. Since I’m not some random newbie i can see how bad it is. No teamplay, no actual trainig… most people playing there seem to don’t have even a brain D:

PineBerry High


U could join some newbie mix groups @ steam community, like IDK/newbie mix etc.
I just knw when there are some groups like that. GL :)



– get a team
– get yourself into pixelpickup (whatever the exact name is, someone surely will be able to tell you :P); get ready to be flamed and add the people, that are nice and help you
– put a ‘mix’ behind your name while getting more and more friends on your list
– get invited into mixes
– start mixes by yourself (make the guys you already have for a game help finding more players or it’ll take ages)
– add people you like and that are active and/or helpful
– add everyone you meet. You can delete them afterwards if you need to

… and dont be afraid of higher level games / players. Most are nice if you are nice and will help you if you show the right attitude. Just ignore the ones that are faggots and dont play with them / mute them while in same mumble channel.

Last edited by ash,


(ETF2L Donator)

Yeah add everybody you play with if they show even the slightest bit of friendliness and get authed on Q then join #pixeltf2.pickup.

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