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Greg's Demo Reviews

Created 12th February 2012 @ 21:29

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Spike Himself


Sick stuff Greg, loving this!


i dont really understand why do u want more of these for each class. Lets be honest if you watch all 3 you will know what to do with every class. Especially greg’s brilliant review of etf2l final.

It’s just push together, dont die and focus same targets. The positioning of heavies is what you train/should train with your team, like defending spire and switching soldiers.

Greg these are excellent, I enjoyed your review of final vs epsilon the most (not only because you delivered!).

Quoted from Tardus

i dont really understand why do u want more of these for each class. Lets be honest if you watch all 3 you will know what to do with every class. Especially greg’s brilliant review of etf2l final.

It’s just push together, dont die and focus same targets. The positioning of heavies is what you train/should train with your team, like defending spire and switching soldiers.

Greg these are excellent, I enjoyed your review of final vs epsilon the most (not only because you delivered!).

you heard it here first folks! watch these videos and you might as well stop playing TF2 because there’s nothing more to it.

Last edited by Tommy Testosterone,



Quoted from Tardus

i dont really understand why do u want more of these for each class. Lets be honest if you watch all 3 you will know what to do with every class.

troll or mong ?

Last edited by h1,



Quoted from h1


troll or mong ?

no u just bad soli apparently



Quoted from Tardus

no u just bad soli apparently

mong i see.



Thanks for making. Is really interesting to watch. :)



Added 2 new videos:

Yoyotech comms on badlands vs Karnage : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oByv7JRWBw&list=UUVviD7Hj-IYx2C1lxOmzX0g&index=2&feature=plcp
Yoyotech comms focusing on Hat on granary vs Karnage : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgLl9Cbv510&list=UUVviD7Hj-IYx2C1lxOmzX0g&index=1&feature=plcp

Thanks to yoyotech for letting me spectate and listen to their comms

Last edited by Greg,


\V/ Gold

I wanted to go to sleep in any second, but now I have to watch them, noooooooooooooo.



small feedback for you 2 latest videos, you should lower the comms while you are speaking because sometimes i find it hard to hear what you say :)



I have some recording from a few weeks ago of yoyotech, that don’t have the best quality production, due to me being slightly afk while recording, do people want me to upload them as well?

Also stay tuned for a Nace pov in the next few days



No clue what you are saying in these. How about you annotate the ones with yoyotech comms?

That way we can definitely understand what you are commenting but doesn’t disrupt the comms. You can even start going as in-depth as you like without feeling like you’re missing out on commenting other things seeing as we can just pause it.


Poor TviQ – Hat obviously hasn’t shaken the pocket mentality. Hate playing with scouts like that, just leaves me getting doubleteamed on the flanks.


(Legendary Ratehacks)

people want more epsilon!

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