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Medics: How do you count uber %?

Created 7th February 2012 @ 18:23

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I remember an old thread about this way back, but I can’t find it any more. So instead, I thought I’d remake it. Hopefully, new thread = new insight.

I have my own methods for timing uber% against the opposing team, but I’m interested to know: how do youuu time it?

This might seem like a simple topic to some, but it might be fun to see what weird ways medics have come up with. It’s also a question a lot of newer medics have asked me recently, so it would be good to see what other methods there are.


(Toucan Ambassador)

Constantly check the scoreboard for when a dead medic is spawning.
What ever uber percentage you have when he spawns is your uber advantage.

If you put in a lot of hours you can generally base your estimations off gut feeling and approximations of how much time has past, “Oh they should have it now!”, but in reality it can be quite error prone.

Constantly check the round timer at the top center of the screen, and make mental notes of when important uber related events occur and hence calculate when they will have uber.

For example, you force their uber at 7:32, you know the very earliest they will have uber again barring at ubersaw hits will be in 40 seconds at 6:52.

Pro tip: If you are bad at maths don’t even consider the minutes, just watch the seconds and add 20.

In reality you can add some wiggle room here based on the skill level of your opposition up to a presumed maximum of 80 seconds (the time it takes to build an uber at the slowest healing rate).

Then you must also factor in times where you know them enemy medic has not been healing, or not healing at the maxrate all whilst trying to stay alive and heal your team :>

Spike Himself


Med spawns -> look at own % -> maths-ish

On a more truthful note, I utterly fail at keeping track of %/time, but I’m usually moderately accurate in guessing based on gut.

Last edited by Spike Himself,



I’m not a medic but using the countdown timer in the scoreboard to estimate when the opposing team has an uber seems like a viable option. Providing that the medic is constantly healing, it takes 40 to 80 seconds to get an ubercharge and 32 to 64 seconds to get a kritz charge, so when you get a pick on the other medic, start estimating at what time they will have a charge using the timer on the scoreboard.

Being the div 6 shitter I am, I haven’t really tested this, so it may or may not work out for you.


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Why don’t you explain your own method first then? :P

As people might know, I call my uber in terms of seconds to uber. I think it’s much more pragmatic to think about uber in seconds than percentage.

To summarize again: uber takes 40 seconds when you’re healing people that are below 142,5% of their maximum health (285 for a soldier, take note pockets). This means that 2,5% of charge takes 1 second to build, so 10 seconds for 25%, etc.

The accurate way to count uber is just to keep an eye on the scoreboard and add 40 when medic spawns (I shouldn’t have to mention that obviously it will always take at least an instant longer than 40 seconds) to the server timeleft. I myself use this alias:

alias +scoreboard “+showscores; timeleft”
alias -scoreboard “-showscores”

This way the timeleft gets echoed in the chat window.

You only need to pay attention to the seconds, not the minutes of course. It’s easier to memorize than to calculate (clears your head for other stuff), so just pay attention to the third number of the timeleft: medic spawn on xx:1x means he will have uber on xx:3x, spawn on xx:2x is uber on xx:4x, spawn in xx:3x is uber on xx:5x, spawn on xx:4x is uber on xx:0x, etc.

If you’ve done this for quite a while then the ubers will become a kind of instinct, and even if you don’t watch the timeleft you will still know within an acceptable margin when the medic has uber. To be honest though, I myself have started to trust on this instinct a bit too much lately, and as a result have sometimes been misjudging ubers (it usually happens when a round is long and both medics are alive for a long time, or when one team ubers but hasn’t killed or forced the enemy medic yet). Tl;dr, stick to a more accurate method if you really don’t want to get caught out of position against a glowing invulnerable enemy (and yet we still see that happen even on the highest levels of play).

Edit: Haha yeah, so what Admirable said basically. I tend to do the “add 20” thing a lot too :D . And once again we see that it can be dangerous to just count by gut feeling.

Last edited by skeej,




Rinse and repeat.



Don’t overthink it as much as skeej or others do.

Just guestimate based on your percentage and when they last ubered/medic died factoring in how much you have healed.

This is why I get caught out of position all the time.


Momentum > uber advantages…
Sometimes having the uber advantage or disatvantage can lead to nothing.
As anty said.. dont overthink it…
Also unless your teammates are all aim no brain they should keep track of the ubers +- too, many times i have to ask my guys if and when the enemy medic died couz sometimes you get cought up with stuff [be it dodging, calling pushes or who to focus] that you just cant focus on counting uubers.

Last edited by doks,


(ETF2L Donator)

Open your iPhone
Go to clock > timer
set it to 40 seconds
everytime the medic drops/dies start the timer
Instant prem


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Quoted from antyjc

Don’t overthink it as much as skeej or others do.

It’s a forum post, not a thought pattern xD

When I’m walking on the street I don’t think of how to contract my muscles to move my legs and lift up my body, countering the gravitational forces etc… That doesn’t meant that I cannot explain the complete process when asked to.

Last edited by skeej,



Quoted from antyjc

Don’t overthink it as much as skeej

How dare you!



Quoted from Admirable

Constantly check the scoreboard for when a dead medic is spawning.
What ever uber percentage you have when he spawns is your uber advantage.

If you put in a lot of hours you can generally base your estimations off gut feeling and approximations of how much time has past, “Oh they should have it now!”, but in reality it can be quite error prone.

Constantly check the round timer at the top center of the screen, and make mental notes of when important uber related events occur and hence calculate when they will have uber.

For example, you force their uber at 7:32, you know the very earliest they will have uber again barring at ubersaw hits will be in 40 seconds at 6:52.

Pro tip: If you are bad at maths don’t even consider the minutes, just watch the seconds and add 20.

In reality you can add some wiggle room here based on the skill level of your opposition up to a presumed maximum of 80 seconds (the time it takes to build an uber at the slowest healing rate).



(Toucan Ambassador)

Might be useful for wannabe Time Lords…



As a Quake player i should be good at this but i really am not. Just think about how damaged their players are, what medigun they have and when the medic spawned and whatnot. It’s not too hard to know when you have an advantage enough to push and realise they are faking their uber… i think


dunno if this works. but maybe worth a look… http://www.mikemarcin.com/gaming/team-fortress-2/loperts-uber-timing-script

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