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Predictable movement, why!?

Created 27th November 2011 @ 12:32

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nNT ≠

Hi :) I’m scout of div5 (really div6 ,but we won the S10)
Well, when i play mge, or dm, people always say me that I’m so predictable, easy to predict and shoot. IDK how can i remediate this, but i’m really sure that be predectible is other reason that i’m too bad.

So…what tips do you recommend to improve this, and be less predictable? Perhaps analyze my demos with other demos of people better than me? Arena server? More dm althought people let me down?

So…if anybody want to add me, this is my profile.

Thank you.
Cheers <3

Mike "Squirry"


Try not walking is straight lines. On 1v1 situations, when dodging, strafe with different patterns, never going to same direction for longer than 1/4th of second.

Different players use different kind of dodging, but as for me, I never use doublejump unless I’m against multiple opponents… 1v1 and doublejumping will only get you killed because its much much much more predictable than simple but clever strafing.

Last edited by AnimaL,



Dont double jump


Don’t play MGE as scout, you will kill yourself before you ever get good (happened to me once)


Don’t doublejump or at least avoid doing so. Also normal jumping is bad against good players but in div5/6 I think it doesn’t matter.

Last edited by Setlet,


MGE is bad for scout practice

Last edited by HawkuBEATS,



Avoid double jumping, maybe even jumping in total (if it really affects your ability to kill stuff), and try to randomize your movement.

So don’t tap left right constantly, but go a bit further left, or just tap left left right left or something like up up down down left right left right B A (see what i did there?:D)



If you can aim while your jumping around like a maniac then its no problem because if your jumping its most likely your enemy is gonna start moving in a predicatable pattern, For me i jump a lot in 1v1 as i find it eaiser to aim meanwhile doing it also quickly from side to side is working as well :D… Double jumping is not bad just people cant use it :)


nNT ≠

I reall in a lot of sites that the best for scout is playing quake live. To improve movement, aim, prediction …What do you think about this?

You think that i should play quake live instead Scout MGE? or…both?




Only double jump vs soldiers and demo’s that use stickies because you will be further from the ground when they hit it and you take less dmg. Versus scout I only double jump if I’m really close.



Quoted from SiTeHBu0mbb

up up down down left right left right B A (see what i did there?:D)

Turtles 2 on the NES?


(Legendary Ratehacks)

mortal kombat fatality?



Quoted from Koeitje


Turtles 2 on the NES?

Contra, don’t talk gash



Quoted from ilike2spin


Contra, don’t talk gash

Sorry, I was confused with: B, A, B, A, Up, Down, B, A, Left, Right, B, A,


is good!

Quoted from Squirry

I reall in a lot of sites that the best for scout is playing quake live. To improve movement, aim, prediction …What do you think about this?

You think that i should play quake live instead Scout MGE? or…both?


you can play QL for scout, but there is no weapon that would sufficiently emulate the scattergun. its still good for reaction etc.

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