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Teamplay problem

Created 23rd November 2011 @ 15:19

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nNT ≠

Hey guys.
Firstly, I apologize for any inconcluence due my Low English level.

I am a new scout, registred in ETF2L the past July, and with my team we won the 6th div in my first season. Well, we are 3 scouts, but there’s problem with as, there isn’t a backup, we play together all the days :(

Imagine that you are 3 scouts, one that almost always plays, and two others who play an if and not another. Well, the scout who plays every other one has teamplay with the scout who always plays, but I have no teamplay and with scout or another.

Neither feature in any way. I am the worst giving incomings not feature in AIM (despite training every day in MGE and dm), and my movement is horrible (rockets strike with the mouth)

What happens? I’m stifling a brutal way, I’m thinking of leaving my team, because as we finished first, and got into div5 … I can not go up as they go

I’m happy with my team, but … the last thing that I want is to delay or interfere with his brutal progress, if I have to go, I will do.

Mike “Squirry”

Last edited by Squirry,

Spike Himself


No offense but maybe you can find someone to translate that for you? I have not a clue what you’re saying :P

Quoted from Squirry

Imagine that you are 3 scouts




I get what he means, just not what he’s asking…


nNT ≠

It’s simple, I want your opinion of this. What you would do, any tip?What way should i follow” Anything.

Sorry for that, I am really desesperated, and i don’t know how to explain this. u.u


I’m going to reply him in spanish, I hope it’s not a problem.

Si sientes que te estas quedando atrás respecto a tus compañeros de equipo y no quieres ser un obstáculo para ellos, lo primero que deberías hacer es hablarlo con ellos porque a lo mejor eres simplemente tu siendo demasiado duro contigo mismo.

Si de verdad es que estas un paso por detrás ellos tampoco hay de que preocuparse mucho, quizá ellos le han echado mas horas o se les da mejor por naturaleza. No todos aprendemos a la misma velocidad, eso no quiere decir que seas mas tonto o peor que ellos, simplemente cada persona tiene su ritmo. Si necesitas otra season en división 6 para poder dar el paso a la siguiente, pues que no te moleste hacerlo.

Un saludo.

PD: No solo jugando DM y MGE vas a mejorar, verte tus propias demos y las de otros jugadores es incluso mas importante en mi opinión.

Last edited by longas,



Tapley ❤


Hey Johnny

La hanta esta muy loca.


ah, you should ask AnimaL, he knows everything about tf2 XDDD


Quoted from Tapley ❤

Hey Johnny

La hanta esta muy loca.

What the fuck?




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