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Scout strafing

Created 4th November 2011 @ 15:36

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Hey dudes.

I’m kind of a new scout, only playing it for 8 month, and I really want to improve my skill. I dm every day, but some friends told me my strafing isn’t good at it should be. I mean, strafing left to right, circling … I tried everything, but vs soldier i’m always predictable…

I ask here, because I think it’s the best place to ask. Until there’s alot of experienced players who can teach me. :)

Well, how my strafe should be, how you scouts doing it ? Thx for the answer.


get inside his head, he’ll aim/move differently depending on positioning, health or whether he’s in a state of panic etc.

if you think like a soldier then you can guess where he’s most likely to aim – thus you’re a step ahead and have a chance of dodging it.

not proclaiming to be good against soldiers myself, but the rule is never double jump infront of him. if you pop your second jump then you’re an easy airshot, so just remember to save it for when you need to dodge a rocket.

Last edited by tarquinbb,


-let him shoot
-double jump out of the way


any pattern, e.g. Wabbys, is useless. theres no secret to strafing, you just have to be unpredictable. when close up you can always 2 shot the soldier before he shoots his 2nd rocket unless hes buffed, when in a normal duel, try to get height advantage. one thing I know is jumping is not the best idea when on equal ground


you can always 2 shot the soldier


“haha, take that, 18 dmg!



press w+a or w+d and russian strafe into his face.



Thx for the quick answers.

By the way, vs soldiers I just need to not jump, but even if I need to dodge a rocket? I mean it will be prefered to just dodge their rocket just by strafing?

Anyways, just shoot away from mid distance, and finish him when he’s low, or like you said just meatshot him when he isn’t looking for you?

surf his rocket right behind him
doublejump on top of his head
jump off
doublejump on top of his head again
repeat until dead



Try playing some medic, you really learn how to dodge as medic. Also play some solly so you can see how certain types of movement from scouts make them easiest to hit.

I personally hate going against a scout who doesn’t jump at all. The best scouts make you fire in the wrong direction every time, without once leaving the floor.



always find something to stand on that is slightly higher than him. if a soldier cant directly shoot your feet then you instantly have the advantage if he isn’t amazing at direct hits.

I prefer his own head :D, but crates and raised platforms/ rocks etc can help reduce how easy it is for a soldier to hit you.



Think like a soldier, press s, use pistol and generally be a dick using every height advantage you can (upward rockets usually miss), just mind the splash damage.



Quoted from Tommeh

Think like a soldier, press s,

think like a soldier? comon you have to think like a scout if you want to be a killer maschine

play deathmatch and shoot less and concentrate on your movement, you will sure notice tre difference, do this regularly and you will improve ingame alot

watch your own demo think about what you could do better next time

and of course warm up your fingersm run the map backwards so you can use the Surroundings blind and under pressure



Just tried to not jump vs soldiers, I mean just strafing, or get an height advantage, only in deathmatch. And this is totally different. Easier to get solly, and others classes…

What about, demomen and scouts?



Quoted from redou

Just tried to not jump vs soldiers, I mean just strafing, or get an height advantage, only in deathmatch. And this is totally different. Easier to get solly, and others classes…

What about, demomen and scouts?

I find getting in the demomans face works pretty well.

For scouts spamming wasd randomly works quite nice. Ambushing around corners works for some also.


think like a demoman :P

same as soldier his plan is to predict your movement and then place a grenade/sticky for you to run into. only difference is that demo is a lot weaker in close quarters, so you should bait and dodge his pipe/sticky and get in close for the kill (wary of melee switch).

vs scout… assuming you can aim then you just need the lucky reg. generally avoid getting too close unless you’re losing, because close range = jammy meatshot range.

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