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Demomen: Sticky trap or sticky spam?

Created 23rd August 2011 @ 17:41

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Hi guys

I keep getting screamed at to spam stickies in badlands choke for example if we are holding badlands mid.

I however prefer to get sneaky stickies somwhere to potentially get a demo/med pick – which can happen quite frequently, while spamming pipes. However if I am spamming stickies I won’t have the time to get a trap up. What would you do in this sort of situation?

If it turns out I should be spamming stickies more I shall admit I was wrong etc and do it the right way. :3

Opinions/debate/shitstorm pls?



Well, you should put some sticks at choke. But spamming them is kind of retarded, they even have falloff on their damage after all…



Not really worth spamming stickies in that example I would just put up a trap on train and maybe at choke itself and then just fire pipes instead.

Pipes are generally better for spam but maybe like at a mid fight reloading the stickies then spamming stickies can be good time for sticky spam. Otherwise i would normally just use pipes the times i sticky spam is normally at gully choke going to second but pipe spam 90% of the time.


personally, I put stickie traps on choke then spam with pipes, so when other team pushes with uber I’ve got a change of picking of player with the stickies.

Also possible to lunch the ubered medic away from his guys if you time it right. (have done it on granary several times)


If I see you spamming stickies, I’ll call “no trap!” and happily push right into you. (Edit: assuming we have equal ubers/uber advantage.)



Depends on the situation, sticky spam is good to unsettle the other team, but a sticky trap can throw them around if they uber in.

You could just put the stickies in the rocks, it’s a win win scenario.


Quoted from WARHURYEAH

Depends on the situation, sticky spam is good to unsettle the other team, but a sticky trap can throw them around if they uber in.

You could just put the stickies in the rocks, it’s a win win scenario.

if evemy has big uber advantage then trap, if its equal then spam.


(ETF2L Donator)
UbeR |
Fe |

Quoted from dauk


if evemy has big uber advantage then trap, if its equal then spam.

Exactly. It’s all about the uber once again. If the enemy has a big uber advantage it’s not smart to position yourself in a spot where you can spam stickies in their choke (aka their train). You should hold somewhere on point or on your own train, depending on how well the scouts can call if they push through house or something. Get a stickytrap up and spam pipes.

If ubers are equal you can spam stickies; you have the advantage considering you have cp3. If you have a clear uber advantage the enemy shouldn’t even be at choke.



I don’t bother putting stickies at choke most of the time, people just expect some to be there and don’t go through :D



Depends what you want to achieve.

Coarse them to push another door? Sticky Trap.
Delay them? Nothing special just dump stickzsh on floor like a boss.
Force them? Better off to spam from a safe distance, can use hidden traps to try and get a kill.
Kills/picks? Hidden/creative sticky traps. Sometimes good to give up a bit of ground to lure them in, bit of a gamble though if you don’t get kills then you’re giving up an area for free.

But in this case if you hold middle and they are gonna push you just want to force them so spam is the best way, I think having something in store for them is the best idea. If they are holding choke then you want to make sure they don’t peek, simple as.

Oh yeah uber v uber fights, if they are pushing you want to make them force early so spam is always a way to guarantee a force though sticky traps work too. But personally I prefer spamming with my team and being far back, letting a Soldier take the uber, they can do a lot more with an uber.


Depends on situation, really. But there are quite good sticky-trap spots and there is not much of a room when you come to mid from choke, so pipe spam is quite easy and you might get that sticky-trap pick pretty fast and then you can already help it all with spamming. Anyhow, there is nothing wrong placing a good sticky trap as long as you feel you still can help your team. Besides, that spam you talking about is to make them pop ubercharge as early as possible, well, they will need ubercharge to get through your trap, so it is still the same thing what your team wants but you can get a pick as a bonus as well:) win-win technique, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sByhtRHVaAo

I assume you’d like to hold mid when you have some uber disadvantage, place a sticky trap, if it doesnt kill anyone then screw it, you don’t have much time, don’t bother to wait half day for the magic pick, place it somewhere forward and if it doesnt kill anyone then spam them and fall out.


It’s really simple. Spam when your team has just taken mid and or is low, healing up or going for ammo. In a situation where you don’t have complete control, just keep the spam up so nobody can try poping in choke and picking off one of your team mates who happens to be low.

But when your team is healed up, scouts are covering flanks, solly watching house, you’re building uber and are generally in control of the situation then go put up a sticky spot to prevent somebody jumping in and trying to uber your medic out or even worse – killing him. Or when you’re holding back on your train, ready to get out of mid cause you know you’re at a disadvantage, that’s an obvious time to get a trap up.


spam for killing trap for buying time


Quoted from ash

Well, you should put some sticks at choke. But spamming them is kind of retarded, they even have falloff on their damage after all…

only true for their first 5 seconds of their life time.

At least only as long as Valve didnt change that since they first explained it in their tf2 blog.


enemy uberadvantage = sticky-trap
same charge level and only waiting for a pick = going crazy and spamming everything you can :D but dont die
you got uberadvantage = push and kill them :D

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